Hi everyone,
below the video of the presentation of my course work:
Thank you!
The first MOOC I followed is called “Introduction to Personal Branding” by Coursera and University of Virginia. Despite hearing about personal branding many times, I never understood what this concept meant. The course is an interesting introduction to an aspect we should all take care of, and explains what personal branding mean: promoting yourself, building a brand and building a reputation, just to name the most important. During the course I was asked to create my brand mission statement, and got introduced to the concept of reputation management. This last was the chapter of the course I found most interesting.
My second MOOC, instead, was entitled “Critical Raw Materials: Managing Resources for a Sustainable Future” by EdX and TU Delft. I decided to take this course, which was not among those proposed, because the topic of critical raw materials was definitely my favorite over the master, and I wanted to deepen into it. Analyzing the criticality of a material is a fundamental step to adopt especially when it comes to key technologies for energetic transition. This is because solar panels, wind turbines, batteries and so on, currently have a vulnerable supply chain due to different issues (geopolitical, economical, social, ecc.). The course gave me a complete understanding of the topic, and taught me that when it comes to criticality study, a multidisciplinary approach has to be adopted.
Following these two courses gave the opportunity to approach a new type of resource I never used before. Since the quality of the teaching and the resources proposed was very high, I will definitely include the Massive Online Open Courses, and in particular the platforms which provide them, in my PLE, as expressed in the following picture.
Thanks for your attention!
Hello everyone,
in this post I’ll show you the initial version of my Digital Identity Plan and the improvements I made on that.
While doing the draft of my DIP, I had the wrong understanding of the objetive of the work. At first, I though I was supposed to explain my strategy to manage, control and modify my digital identity.
After comparing with the works of my classmates and receiving feedbacks from the teachers, I realized that the goal is to show how I want to present myself to the others in the digital word, and establish how I want other people to see me.
My improved Digital Identity Plan is composed by the following parts:
• Collaborators: group of people I interact with in my professional life
• Key activities: list of actions required to mark my digital identity
• Key resources: key tools, platforms and people which help me accomplish my key activities
• Values proposition: my main characteristics and strenghts that distinguish me from the others
• Costs: needed to accomplish my key activities
• Objectives: my future career goals, which motivate me on working on my digital identity
• Target groups: people or group of people I present my digital identity to
• Channels: platforms or social medias on which my identity appears
• Contents: keywords
Thanks for your attention!
Hello everyone,
in this post I’ll show you the initial version of my Personal Learning Environment and the improvements I made. I decided to upload the PDF so you’re able to see the small comments/suggestions I put in the improved version, I suggest you to download it.
Thanks for your attention!
During my Bachelor in Industrial Engineering I got the chance to explore many different parts of the world of science and technology. Despite discovering a genuine passion for materials science, which I still have, I didn’t know which was my ambition for the future.
My experience in the AMIR Master is what really opened my eyes, because the topics covered were very engaging and absolutely new to me, I enjoyed most of them. By doing group projects and personal work, I deep dived in the world of sustainability, life cycle assessment, raw materials for clean technologies and so on. In particular, the project about recycling and criticality of Neodymium, key element for wind turbines, sparked my enthusiasm for renewable energies.
At the moment, I’m walking through this second year of Master with the strong conviction that I want to shape my career path around renewables, and, at least in the first period, learn as much as possible in all the different aspects of the energy transition. For the purpose, my goal is to find an internship in a big company in the field, with the idea of starting, in the same company, a rotational programme.
From the long term perspective, after a first period where I focus on technical and engineering issues, I want to make a gradual change to more managerial positions. To reach this goal, I think that doing an MBA could be a great advantage, so this is something I also want to work on.
I’m excited to run the professional path that I have ahead, and I’m ready to give a lot in order to reach my goals, but I hope I will always keep in mind that friendship, family and love are the things that matter the most.
Hi everyone!
My name is Luigi Poggi, I come from Italy and I’m 25 years old.
I am a student with a Bachelor in Industrial Engineering, currently enrolled in the Master in Advanced Materials and Innovative Recycling, headed by EIT Raw Materials. For the first year of this Master, I was at the University of Bordeaux, France, where I specialized in advanced materials. Now, at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, I’m focusing on circular economy of Minerals and Construction Products.
My interests revolve around renewable energies, in particular wind energy, and supply chain. In the future, I would like to work in these fields.
I’m passionate about sports, I play tennis and I swim. I’m a rock music fan, and in my free time I like to got to the park, enjoy the nature and play with the freesbee.