Introduction to Personal Branding,by the University of Virginia

The MOOC on “Introduction to Personal Branding” by the University of Virginia was quite engaging and very practical. It gave a real depth to my understanding of personal branding and introduced new strategies for developing it effectively.

Following there is a personal overview of the most important points of the MOOC:

The MOOC highlights the fact that personal brands deal not only with self-promotion but also with creating an authentic representation of our values, skills, and passions.

But the most crucial lesson is that authenticity is the key to personal branding. Authenticity builds trust and deeper connections with others, which is important for our personal branding.

The course also highlighted a strategy that consists in using social networking sites with the 80/20 rule. This rule says, the 80% of outcomes often result from 20% of causes or inputs. When building a personal brand, it can be adapt to: 80% of our posts should seek to add value, while only 20% are used for self-promotion.This will ensure that the audience-focused aspects of the brand remain intact, but our achievements will not go unnoticed.

To finish, digital security was another important point. The more digital the things get, the more important protecting our online identity and personal data has become. From how to use secure passwords to staying ahead of online threats, this course truly empowered me with how to protect my brand and presence.

To sum up, I particularly enjoyed this MOOC and how it encouraged me to integrate its teachings into my Personal Learning Environment (PLE).

I will for sure add Coursera as a go-to learning app.

It reinforced the idea that personal branding is about showcasing unique skills to attract opportunities aligned with one’s talents and goals.

I strongly recommend this course to anybody willing to refine their personal brand for new opportunities !

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About Bárbara Billón de Blas

I am Bárbara Billón, from Spain. Since I was little, I've always had a very special connection with the environment and with nature, a connection that now has become a passion. That's why I studied environmental engineering, and the reason I am currently studying this Master in Circular Economy. I am eager to apply this expertise to make a positive, lasting impact on our world.

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