Larriva-Novo, X.; Pérez Miguel, L.; Villagra, V.A.; Álvarez-Campana, M.; Sanchez-Zas, C.; Jover, Ó. “Post-Hoc Categorization Based on Explainable AI and Reinforcement Learning for Improved Intrusion Detection”, Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 11511.
C. Sánchez-Zas, X. Larriva-Novo, V. Villagrá, D. Rivera, A. Marín-Lopez. “A methodology for ontology-based interoperability of dynamic risk assessment frameworks in IoT environments“, Internet of Things, vol 27, July 2024. DOI:
J. A. Brito, J. I. Moreno, L. M. Contreras, M. Álvarez-Campana, and M. Blanco. “Programmable Data Plane Applications in 5G and Beyond Architectures: A Systematic Review,” Sensors, vol. 23, no. 15, pp. 6955, August 2023. doi:
O. Flor, F. Simbaña, X. Larriva-Novo, A. Acuña, R. Tipán, and P.A. Acosta-Vargas. “Comprehensive Analysis of the Worst Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities in Latin America,” Informatics, vol. 10, no. 71, August 2023. doi:
X. Larriva-Novo, C. Sánchez-Zas, V. A. Villagrá, A. Marín, and J. Berrocal. “Leveraging Explainable Artificial Intelligence in Real-Time Cyberattack Identification: Intrusion Detection System Approach,” Applied Sciences, vol. 13, July 2023. doi:
M. Sanz-Rodrigo, D. Rivera, J. I. Moreno, M. Álvarez-Campana, and D. R. López. “Digital Twins for 5G Networks: A Modeling and Deployment Methodology,” IEEE Access, April 2023. doi:
C. Sánchez-Zas, V. A. Villagrá, M. Vega, X. Larriva-Novo, J. I. Moreno, and J. Berrocal. “Ontology-based approach to real-time risk management and cyber-situational awareness,” Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 141, pp. 462-472, April 2023. doi:
J. Fúster, S. Solera-Cotanilla, J. Pérez, M. Vega-Barbas, R. Palacios, M. Alvarez-Campana, and G. López. “Analysis of security and privacy issues in wearables for minors,” Wireless Networks, March 2023. doi:
C. Valero, J. Pérez, S. Solera-Cotanilla, M. Vega-Barbas, G. Suárez, M. Alvarez-Campana, and G. López. “Analysis of Security and Data Control in Smart Personal Assistants from the User’s Perspective,” Future Generation Computer Systems, February 2023. doi:
D. Rivera; J. I. Moreno; M. Sanz; D. R. López; A. Mozo. “Providing Heterogeneous Signaling and User Traffic for 5G Core Network Functional Testing,” Ieee Access, December 2022. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3233412
D. Rivera, J. I. Moreno, M. Sanz, D. Lopez, and A. Mozo. “Providing Heterogeneous Signaling and User Traffic for 5G Core Network Functional Testing,” IEEE Access, vol. 11, December 2022. doi:
C. Sánchez-Zas, X. Larriva-Novo, V. A. Villagrá, M. Sanz, J. I. Moreno. “Design and Evaluation of Unsupervised Machine Learning Models for Anomaly Detection in Streaming Cybersecurity Logs,” Mathematics, vol. 10, no. 21, 4043, October 2022 doi:
A. Mozo, A. Pastor, A. Karamchandani, L. Cal, D. Rivera, and J. I. Moreno. “Integration of Machine Learning-Based Attack Detectors into Defensive Exercises of a 5G CyberRange,” Applied Sciences, vol. 12, 10349, October 2022. doi:
S. Solera-Cotanilla, M. Vega, J. Pérez, G. López, J. Matanza, M. Álvarez-Campana. “Security and Privacy Analysis of Youth-Oriented Connected Devices,” Sensors vol. 22, no. 11, 3967, May 2022 doi:
A. Mozo, A. Karamchandani, S. Gómez-Canaval, M. Sanz, J. I. Moreno, and A. Pastor. “B5GEMINI: AI-Driven Network Digital Twin,” Sensors, vol. 22, 4106, May 2022. doi:
J. A. Martínez, J. I. Moreno, D. Rivera, and J. Berrocal, “Radio Access Evaluation of Commercial 5G Service,” Electronics, vol. 10, 2746, November 2021. doi:
M. Sanz, J. I. Moreno, G. López, J. Matanza, and J. Berrocal, “Web-Based Toolkit for Performance Simulation and Analysis of Power Line Communication Networks,” Energies, vol. 14, 6475, October 2021. doi:
A. Castro, V. A. Villagrá, P. García, D. Rivera and D. Toledo, “An Ontological-Based Model to Data Governance for Big Data,” IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 109943-109959, August 2021, doi:
M. Vega-Barbas, M. Álvarez-Campana, D. Rivera, M. Sanz, and J. Berrocal. “AFOROS: A Low-Cost Wi-Fi-Based Monitoring System for Estimating Occupancy of Public Spaces,” Sensors, vol. 21, 3863, June 2021. doi:
X. Larriva-Novo, M. Vega-Barbas, V. A. Villagrá, and J. Berrocal. “Comparative analysis and evaluation of the application of Deep Learning techniques to Cybersecurity Datasets,” DYNA, vol. 96, no. 5, pp. 528-533, April 2021. doi:
X. Larriva-Novo, V. A. Villagrá, M. Vega-Barbas, D. Rivera, and M. Sanz. “An IoT-Focused Intrusion Detection System Approach Based on Preprocessing Characterization for Cybersecurity Datasets,” Sensors, vol. 21, no. 2, 656, January 2021. doi:
P. Moura, J. I. Moreno, G. López, and M. Alvarez-Campana. “IoT Platform for Energy Sustainability in University Campuses,” Sensors, vol. 21, no. 2, 357, January 2021. doi:
X. Larriva-Novo, C. Sánchez-Zas, V. A. Villagrá, M. Vega-Barbas, and D. Rivera. “An Approach for the Application of a Dynamic Multi-Class Classifier for Network Intrusion Detection Systems,” Electronics, vol. 9, no. 11, 1759, October 2020. doi:
X. Larriva-Novo, M. Vega-Barbas, V. A. Villagrá, D. Rivera, M. Álvarez-Campana, and J. Berrocal. “Efficient Distributed Preprocessing Model for Machine Learning-Based Anomaly Detection over Large-Scale Cybersecurity Datasets,” Applied Sciences, vol. 10, no. 10, 3430, May 2020. doi:
R. Riesco, X. Larriva-Novo, and V. A. Villagra. “Cybersecurity threat intelligence knowledge exchange based on blockchain,” Telecommunication Systems, vol. 73, pp. 259–288, February 2020. doi:
X. Larriva-Novo, M. Vega-Barbas, V. A. Villagrá, and M. Sanz. “Evaluation of Cybersecurity Data Set Characteristics for Their Applicability to Neural Networks Algorithms Detecting Cybersecurity Anomalies,” IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 9005-9014, January 2020. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2963407
D. Rivera, F. Monje, V. A. Villagrá, M. Vega-Barbas, X. Larriva-Novo, and J. Berrocal. “Automatic Translation and Enforcement of Cybersecurity Policies Using A High-Level Definition Language,” Entropy, vol. 21, no. 12, 1180, November 2019. doi:
R. Riesco and V. Villagrá. “Leveraging cyber threat intelligence for a dynamic risk framework,” Information Security, vol. 18, pp. 715–739, December 2019. doi:
M. Vega.-Barbas, V. A. Villagrá, F. Monje, R. Riesco, X. Larriva-Novo, and J. Berrocal. “Ontology-based System for Dynamic Risk Management in Administrative Domains,” Applied Sciences, vol. 9, no. 21, 4547, October 2019. doi:
G. López, J. Matanza, D. De La Vega, M. Castro, A. Arrinda, J. I. Moreno, and A. Sendin. “The Role of Power Line Communications in the Smart Grid Revisited: Applications, Challenges, and Research Initiatives,” IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 117346-117368, July 2019. doi:
R. Riesco, X. Larriva-Novo, and V. A. Villagrá. “Cybersecurity threat intelligence knowledge exchange based on blockchain,” Telecommunication Systems, vol 73, pp. 259–288, February 2019. doi:
J. Andión, J. M. Navarro, G. López, M. Álvarez-Campana, and J. C. Dueñas. “Smart Behavioral Analytics over a Low-Cost IoT Wi-Fi Tracking Real Deployment,” Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, December 2018. doi:
A. Castro, A. Sedano, F. J. García, E. Villoslada, and V. A. Villagrá. “Application of a Multimedia Service and Resource Management Architecture for Fault Diagnosis,” Sensors, vol. 18, no. 1, December 2018. doi:
M. Alvarez-Campana, G. López, E. Vázquez, V. A. Villagrá, and J. Berrocal. “Smart CEI Moncloa: An IoT-based Platform for People Flow and Environmental Monitoring on a Smart University Campus,” Sensors, vol. 17, no. 12, 2856, December 2017. doi:
W. Fan, Z. Du, D. Fernandez, and V. A. Villagrá. “Enabling an Anatomic View to Investigate Honeypot Systems: A Survey,” IEEE Systems Journal, pp. 3906-3919, November 2017. doi:
P. Holgado, V. A. Villagrá, and L. Vazquez. “Real-time multistep attack prediction based on Hidden Markov Models,” IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, pp. 134-147, September 2017. doi:
A. Castro, V. A. Villagrá, B. Fuentes, and B. Costales. “A Flexible Architecture for Service Management in the Cloud,” IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 116–125, February 2014. doi:
V. Mateos, V. A. Villagrá, and J. Berrocal. “Application of ontologies and formal behaviour definitions for automated intrusion response systems,” Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology, vol. 46, no. 4. doi:,dn=961236165027957,res=IELHSS