
COBRA: Realistic Traffic and Network Scenarios for Cyber-Defence Training

The RSTI group of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) participates in the project COBRA (Adaptable and Customizable Cyber-Maneuvers of Hyperrealistic Simulation of APT and Training in Cyber-Defence through Gamification). The project is funded by the Ministry of Defense (MINIDEF) within the framework of the program COINCIDENTE (Cooperation in Scientific Research and Development in Strategic Technologies).

The objective of COBRA is to develop a series of advanced training and education tools in the field of Cyber Defense, which will be integrated into the Cyber Range of the MCCE (Spanish Joint Command of Cyber Space).

The RSTI group brings to the project its large experience in traffic modelling, network simulation and virtualization techniques, as well as in the analysis and simulation of APTs (Advanced Persistent Threats). Other partners involved in the project are Universidad de Murcia (UMU), which coordinates the project, and the company INDRA.