Víctor Villagrá on COPE and TVE2
Last Monday our colleague Víctor Villagrá talked about cybersecurity and online attacks in “Herrera en COPE”.
Among the aspects addressed, common activities as ransomware, phishing, fake news, etc. were mentioned. That is why it is crucial to protect businesses against existing vulnerabilities. In fact, our colleague highlights these attacks (on individual companies or even on large scales) with, typically, economic purposes.
In addition, Víctor also participated in the program “La Aventura del Saber” of TVE2 talking about cybersecurity problems. Specifically, our colleague exposes the consequences that cyber-attacks can have on society, in addition to explaining the threats, limitations and future of cybersecurity.
Some of the institutions discussed in the interview that watch over security in our country are the CNI (Centro Nacional de Inteligencia) and INCIBE (Instituto Nacional de Ciberseguridad de España).
COPE interview information: https://www.cope.es/programas/herrera-en-cope/noticias/victor-villagra-herrera-cope-arma-mas-peligrosa-hacker-dedo-victima-20221128_2422420
TVE2 interview information: https://www.upm.es/?id=8636be4e21ea4810VgnVCM10000009c7648a____&prefmt=articulo&fmt=detail