Co-curricular initiatives for university students

Cases related to learning & teaching activities not included in degree programs, such as student-led or student engagement activities, living labs on or off campus, volunteering programs, summer schools, etc.

SDGLab Campus UAM

SDGLab Campus UAM Description Institution UNIVERSIDAD AUTONOMA DE MADRID Organizations/areas of the university involved Sustainability Policy, Operations, Teaching and Research, Community Outreach Country Spain More information… In the month of May of 2018, the Vice-Rector for Campus and Sustainability and the Vice-Rector for Institutional Relations, Social Responsibility and Culture of the Autonomous University of Madrid […]

Making the makers and innovators for the SDGs

The Geneva Tsinghua Initiative (GTI) is a Sino-Swiss partnership betwwen University of Geneva and Tsinghua University. Through a wide range of innovative education programmes, GTI provides opportunities for students and professionals to solving major societal and environmental challenges based on the SDGs.
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The international Youth Environmental Alliance in Higher Education (YEAH) Network

The Youth Environmental Alliance in Higher Education (YEAH) Network is a collaborative, global, multi-institutional network empowering student-voice in sustainability via digital conferences, virtual classrooms, and student participation at UNFCCC Conferences.
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Seminar: Sustainability at the university – actions for the 17 SDGs

Seminar: Sustainability at the university – actions for the 17 SDGs Description Institution Hochschule Düsseldorf/University of Applied Science (HSD) Organizations/areas of the university involved Fachbereich Sozial-und Kulturwissenschaften Country Germany More information… In April 2018, the first seminar dedicated to the SDGs started at the Fachbereich Sozial-und Kulturwissenschaften Faculty at the Hochschule Düsseldorf / University of […]

CityAdapt: Partnerships with Universities for Long-term SDG Monitoring

A long-term research programme within university research institutions to monitor the benefits of the implemented urban Ecosystem-based Adaptation interventions in Mexico, El Salvador and Jamaica.
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Communication campaign on the SDGs: “Set your SDGoals! YOU are part of the chain towards sustainability!”

Communication campaign on the SDGs: “Set your SDGoals! YOU are part of the chain towards sustainability!” Description Institution Facultad de Bellas Artes, Universitat Politècnica de València UPV Organizations/areas of the university involved Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) Centro de investigación Arte y Entorno de la UPV CIAE Departamento de Dibujo de la Facultad de Bellas […]