Policy for implementation of best practices of SDGs within the scope of theses, dissertations and other technical, scientific, technological productions and innovation of the Postgraduate Program in Natural Resource Management and Local Development in the Amazon (PPGEDAM) of the Environment Center (NUMA ) of the Federal University of Pará (UFPA)



Environment Center (NUMA) of the Federal University of Pará (UFPA)
Organizations/areas of the university involved

Postgraduate Program in Natural Resource Management and Local Development in the Amazon (PPGEDAM) of the Environment Center (NUMA) of the Federal University of Pará (UFPA)


The theses, dissertations and scientific productions developed under the Postgraduate Program of PPGEDAM / NUMA / UFPA should refer to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to which they are aligned.

The Board of the Postgraduate Program in Natural Resource Management and Local Development in the Amazon (PPGEDAM) of the Environment Center (NUMA) of the Federal University of Pará (UFPA), instituted by the Resolution PPGEDAM number 01/2019, a policy of good practices for implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with the aim of better reference and systematize the activities of students and professors of the Graduate Program in line with the objectives of the 2030 Agenda. It concerns a pioneering standard that highlights the importance of the role of Education, Research and Extension Institutions in promoting and achieving the SDGs.


Results and impact measured or expected

From the implementation of the SDGs of the PPGEDAM Policy in January 2019, the Postgraduate Program has established a database which explores the research developed within the scope of PPGEDAM according to the SDGs to which they are aligned. This was the case with two master classes (20 students each) whose students defended their dissertations at the end of the year 2020. The idea is that this database is consolidated according to the master’s and doctoral classes are being formed and research thereof on natural resource management and local development in the Amazon are completed.


Connection with the SDG framework

Besides to theses and dissertations, the PPGEDAM Resolution number 01/2019 establishes a list of technical, scientific, technological and innovation products that would be subject to alignment with the SDGs: scientific articles; research reports and case studies; field study reports; educational material; technical notes; maps and cartographic products; among others. The product diversity (technical, scientific) specified in the standard is important in view that PPGEDAM is a Professional Graduate Program that offers Master’s and Doctorate courses in the Interdisciplinary area with a focus on natural resource management and local development in the Amazon.

Therefore, simultaneously that it constitutes a strategy that aims to favor the implementation of the SDGs, the PPGEDAM Policy establishes an interesting self-assessment mechanism for the Program highlighting the role of graduate programs in achieving the objectives of Agenda 2030.  

Barriers and follow up

The biggest challenge in implementing a best practice policy seeking to reference and systematize the scientific production of professors, students and graduates of PPGEDAM is to create policy recipients adopt the new practice of reflecting on the degree of adherence which has a certain scientific and technological production with the achievement of a determined objective or goal of sustainable development of the 2030 Agenda.

Transferability of the initiative

Referencing and systematizing Teaching, Research and Extension activities developed by Brazilian universities in line with the objectives of the 2030 Agenda is of great importance, in the light of the need to approach and better communicate the produced by universities to the various knowledge sectors of Brazilian society, besides the relevance of its social, cultural and economic impacts.