This website presents companion case studies to the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) guide, Accelerating education for the SDGs in universities, which was launched in September 2020.
As part of the development of the guide, SDSN invited universities around the world to submit case studies of how they are already implementing and supporting education for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
A selection of the many innovative and inspiring case studies are presented in this website including 75 new cases added in September 2021 (see announcement here!).
Education for the SDGs (ESDGs) refers to helping learners develop the necessary knowledge, skills and mindsets to contribute to solving complex societal challenges. It is one of the most important ways universities (and other types of tertiary and higher education institutions) can help achieve the SDGs – and this guide aims to show universities what they can do to expand and accelerate its implementation to all learners within their sphere.
You can browse cases by the categories below, which reflect the “learners” the initiatives intend to reach, or through a range of other thematic and regional tags: traditional students (by either curricular or co-curricular actions), university staff, and the community at large.
Cases related to learning & teaching activities not included in degree programs, such as student-led or student engagement activities, living labs on or off campus, volunteering programs, summer schools, etc.
Cases that involve external partners, such as university networks, industry partners, or public services; community outreach and engagement activities; living labs outside the campus; etc.
Cases related to building capacity and ownership for education for SDGs among faculty members and university staff, and creating internal structures and processes to support its implementation
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