Cristina Jiménez-Pulido works as a researcher in the framework of the project “Autonomous robotics for the inspection and evaluation of pre-existing buildings with BIM integration (ROBIM)” in giSCI-UPM and collaborates in different activities with the group. She obtained a bachelor’s degree in Architecture from UPM in 2005 and a Master’s Degree in Advanced Architecture and City Project from the Universidad de Alcalá de Henares (UAH), in the specialisation in Environment and Innovation, in 2010. She is a PhD candidate of innovation in building conservation and deep renovation management of building stock at UPM. Being selected by the EIT Climate-KIC to participate in the 2019’s Pioneers programme, she has been also involved in the COST Action “REthinking Sustainability TOwards a Regenerative Economy” (RESTORE) CA16114.
Faculty of Agroengineering