Bihter Almaç is a designer/researcher of architecture in the other and of the weird. And her research mainly focuses on tactics for peculiar creativities to trespass to the wilder realms of architecture to seek existentially clumsy formations. Her work consists of drawings; architectural things – games, gadgets, devices; architectural essay films. These are exhibited internationally in festivals, curated exhibitions and conferences. Recently, she was selected as one of the Young Architects under 40 in Turkey, by The Circle O. She is a design tutor and a lecturer in the Department of Architecture at Istanbul Technical University (ITU), Istanbul, Turkey. She received her PhD degree in Architectural Design at the Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, with her thesis titled, Designing in a State of Distraction: The Wild Fields of Architecture. She has a MSci from ITU in Architectural Design, with her thesis titled: Folding of Places. She is a BArch graduate from ITU.
Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture
Email: bihteralmac@gmail.com
Telephone:+90 5415904305