Nedgia is the company of the Naturgy group, leader in the distribution of natural gas in Spain. It supplies energy to 70% of consumers and operates in 11 autonomous communities through its different distribution companies.

ANDECE, the National Association of the Precast Concrete Industry, is a non-profit organization that represents national manufacturers of precast concrete elements.

Action Against Hunger supports local populations and refugees in their most basic needs and in the most dangerous regions of the planet, providing nutrition, health care, hygiene and food security, teaching populations to become self-sufficient.

ClicKoala is a social enterprise that generates synergies and knowledge in the world of sustainability between companies, experts, consumers and institutions. It does this not only through its acclaimed annual study on sustainable consumption, but also with other studies focused on the green and social economy. And also through a SEARCH for verified green and fair alternatives to all your purchases.

Oficemen, the Spanish cement manufacturers’ association, is a private, non-profit business association of a technical-professional nature.
Oficemen represents an industry with the vocation to serve the citizens, responsible to the society and, above all, with a deep respect for the environment.

The ONCE Foundation for the Cooperation and Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities was created in February 1988, by agreement of the ONCE General Council, and was presented to society in September of the same year as an instrument of cooperation and solidarity of the Spanish blind towards other groups of people with disabilities to improve their living conditions.

Saint Gobain Isover Ibérica, S.L. (Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia) is part of the Saint-Gobain Group, a world leader in the habitat sector with innovative, energy-efficient solutions that contribute to environmental protection, and is a world leader in the manufacture of insulating materials. It offers, in mineral wool, the most complete range of thermal and acoustic insulation and fire protection solutions.

The Sika Group is a multinational company specializing in chemical products. Sika is a supplier to the construction – in building and civil engineering – and industry sectors (transport, automotive, solar and wind power plants, facades). Sika is a leading manufacturer of materials used in sealing, bonding, waterproofing, repair, reinforcement and protection of structures. It has a local presence in 101 countries, with more than 300 factories and approximately 27,000 employees worldwide generating annual sales of CHF 9.03 billion in 2021.

PTEC aims to contribute to the improvement of the construction sector through public-private cooperation in research, development and innovation, carried out between companies, business associations, universities, research centers, technology centers and clients.

The “Ernest Lupan” Circular Economy and Environment Research Institute – IRCEM is a non-governmental, independent organization, established in 2012, through an initiative of the Cluj-Napoca Technical University. IRCEM at its establishment was called the Center for Organizational Initiation and Development – CIDO. Later in 2016 it became CIOS, and starting from 2018 it became IRCEM. In 2017, IRCEM/CIOS became an official partner in the Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform (ECESP) within the European Economic and Social Committee, Directorate-General for the Environment, Directorate B – Circular Economy and Green Growth, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium.

Sostinendo is a sustainability consulting firm specializing in circular economy and climate change, being these two major environmental issues of the moment.
Regarding how the idea came about, after working in companies its founder wanted to enjoy the autonomy and freedom of action of the entrepreneur, they formed a company and started up two years ago.

The ancestor of the University of Miskolc in Selmecbány in 1735 III. The mining and metallurgical institute (Bergschule) was founded by Károly, where advanced knowledge of mining and metallurgy was taught for the first time in the world (in Freiberg in 1765, in Berlin in 1770, in St. Petersburg from 1773). Mária Terézia organized the school into an academic institution (kk Bergakademie) in 1762. From 1846, forestry training also took place at the academy.

The Universidad de Piura seeks to be a benchmark of academic excellence, to train competent professionals of great human quality, and to conduct relevant research to contribute to the progress of the people.

The Technical University of Darmstadt is a synonym for excellent, relevant science. Global transformations – from the energy transition via Industry 4.0 to artificial intelligence – are posing enormous challenges. We are playing a crucial role in helping to shape these far-reaching processes of change with outstanding insights and forward-looking study opportunities.

The Center for Spatial Justice (Mekanda Adalet Dernegi- MAD) was born out of the accumulation of many different communications, experiences and questions. These different channels come together under the concept of spatial justice, which as both an analytical framework and a site of collective struggle stands at the center of our studies to make sense of the environment we live in and build a fairer, ecological, and democratic world.

Developing environmental awareness in local governments, adopting a sustainable urbanism approach and finding solutions to the common problems of municipalities in cooperation, on a regional scale is the first union of municipalities in Turkey.

It is a city that seeks to focus on all living beings; providing a city life with the best standards of service and a high quality of life, has as Vision to become an exemplary city in the world with the values it generates. One of its fundamental values is to guarantee harmony with nature and orientation towards life.

To design the next century with proper planning and management; to become a star city, the brand of western Istanbul and the surrounding regions, transforming streets, avenues and the sea into an integral part of life in the city life with its lively boulevards, themed and cozy parks, and a center of attraction with its cultural and artistic activities. Among its sustainability and environmental goals, it seeks to enable all residents of Beylikdüzü to live in a peaceful and healthy environment. Develop and implement projects to protect and improve the environment with experienced staff.

TAK is a place of innovation and creativity where citizens, designers, volunteers, students and supporters create ideas and share their products with the public, establishing national and international collaborations to solve urban problems. It is an independent organization that produces programs and projects on a voluntary and collaborative basis, together with designers from all disciplines.

Its mission is focused on providing accessible services for an Istanbul that produces protecting all the values of the city with an understanding of new generation municipality, and lives 24 hours with its cultural and social life, in turn, wishes to become a fair, green and creative City, happy inhabitants of Istanbul.

Ergo srl is the first Spin off company of the “Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari e di Perfezionamento Sant’Anna” of Pisa, which offers consulting services focused on environmental management and 360° sustainability management for Companies, Products, Administrations, Clusters and Territories (“IMPACT focus”).

Ambiente is an Italian company. It operates in the field of environmental consulting and engineering. It has been working in this sector for over thirty-five years with passion and strategic vision.
It manages environmental innovation processes with a team of over 100 experts in engineering, science, economic and environmental law disciplines. It translates the principles of Italian environmental legislation into strategies, objectives, actions and pilot projects, with a view to sustainable development.

INOVECO was founded in 1993, the company offers a wide range of innovative products and services, together with well-trained people and efficient management. It is constantly involved in environmental protection, so the company is adopting new ideas and implementing the latest technologies to have the best environmental performance. It has a specific service line to provide technologies and equipment for Agriculture and Environment.

The International Solid Waste Association is an international network of waste professionals and experts from around the world whose mission is “To promote and develop sustainable and professional waste management worldwide and the transition to a circular economy”.

The Italian Ministry of Environment, together with the Ministry of Ecological Transition have defined a national strategy for circular economy “ESTRATEGIA NAZIONALE PER L’ECONOMIA CIRCOLARE” The strategy involves the European policy action guidelines and updates and integrates the contents of the framework document and strategic positioning “Towards a circular economy model for Italy”, published by Ministries of Environment and Economic Development in 2017.

It is an environmental consultancy whose purpose is to extend to: the realization of all kinds of environmental studies and projects (including software and/or other computer programs) including specifically the life cycle analysis (LCA), ET.C. It provides services of Implementation and verification of Environmental Product Declaration, Life Cycle Analysis (LCA), Ecodesign, Environmental Communication, Carbon Footprint, Environmental Labeling, Energy Efficiency, LEED, PCR Development, ISO 50001.

VELECO is committed to strengthening the rural environment, the environment and innovation by transforming organic waste produced in the agri-food sector into green, renewable, cheap and safe energy, generating biogas+.