Abstract Content coming
Aira JR, Cabo M, del Blanco F, Gonzalo-Calderón L. (2021) Puentes de madera con estructura recíproca. Análisis comparativo del puente tradicional chino y el puente de Leonardo. Informes de la Construcción.

Abstract Content coming
Abstract The CLT-concrete slab solution contributes to notably improve several aspects where CLT shows some disadvantages related to its low stiffness or its low natural vibration frequency. This can affect the user’s comfort or even the structural integrity against resonance
Author: Crespo Outes, J. Supervisor: Guaita Fernández, M. & Majano-Majano, A. University: University of Santiago de Compostela, Lugo, Spain https://minerva.usc.es/xmlui/handle/10347/26287 Abstract In the regions of Atlantic influence of southern Europe, there is an extensive area of Eucalyptus globulus Labill. plantations
Abstract This work establishes the main guidelines to produce high-performance Eucalyptus globulus Labill finger jointed solid timber and glued laminated timber laths and analyse their potential for application in multilayer strained gridshells. To this end, a proposal for strength grading
Abstract This paper presents a new elastic timber gridshell built to cover a wood storage area at the Timber Engineering Laboratory of the University of Santiago de Compostela in Spain. It is the first permanent elastic timber gridshell to be
Abstract Eucalyptus globulus Labill stands out as one of the hardwood species produced in Europe with prominent mechanical properties, which is undergoing a growing interest in extending added value. The development of engineered wood products with this species and its
Abstract Eucalyptus globulus Labill is a hardwood species of broad growth in temperate climates, which is receiving increasing interest for structural applications due to its high mechanical properties. Knowing the fracture behaviour is crucial to predict, through finite element models,
Abstract Assessing wood fracture behavior is essential in the design of structural timber elements and connections. This is particularly the case for connections with the possibility of brittle splitting failure. The numerical cohesive zone models that are used to simulate
Abstract Elastic timber gridshells are built by bending small cross-section, long and good quality timber laths on site to the desired shape. This procedure enables double curvature structures of great aesthetic appearance and high structural efficiency. Despite their interest, few
Abstract Timber elastic gridshells represent a promising solution for medium and long span lightweight roofs featuring free or modular geometries. This technique enables the construction of large simple or double curved shells by bending standard timber elements on site, incorporating