Title: LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico
Reference: LIFE14 CCA/ES/000489
Funding: LIFE Programme, Climate Change Adaptation Sub-programme.
Duration: 7 years (18/01/2016 – 31/12/2022).
Budget: 3.588.551,63 €
Financed amount: 526.220,00 € (Diputación de Lugo), 1.793.130,98 € (European Union)
Coordinator: Concello de Lugo (Spain)
- Concello de Lugo (Spain)
- University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
- Technical University of Madrid (Spain)
The LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico project wants to contribute to develop an urban planning strategy to achieve an effective adaptation to climate change at the neighborhood or residential neighborhood scale, visualizing it not as a threat but as an opportunity to improve the quality of urban spaces, considering climate change as a challenge, and the growing need for regeneration of urban environments as their context.
For this, it establishes a program of actions lasting seven years that includes a mosaic of 28 related actions, ranging from the knowledge of the reference climate scenario, the analytical framework and the strategic vision of the location, the catalog of urban design solutions, with the detail of the definition of the ecological infrastructures of the area and the detailed planning of residential climatic comfort zones, up to the forestry actions of autochthonous hardwoods, energy crops in the urban environment, trees, recovery and improvement of a wetland and creation of a Galician arboretum.
These actions are complemented with the establishment of urban agriculture soil and height, adaptation of building systems with native materials of low energy incorporated and with the design and implementation of a pilot project: a demonstration building entirely built with high technology of wood and that will be called “Impulso Verde” (Green Impulse).
The actions are completed with an adequate monitoring of the results at a physical, socio-economic and environmental level, with the evaluation of the impact of the project, with the communication and dissemination of the results and the possibility of transfer and replication of the experience. The objective is that the developed procedures can serve as a demonstrative example for its application in other municipalities and local entities of medium-sized cities (such as Lugo) so that they can offer new alternative ways of acting in the context of climate change and the consequences that they are derived from it for urban environments.
Therefore, the defined objective of the project is: “Put into practice in the city of Lugo an innovative urban planning strategy aimed at intermediate-scale actions in neighborhoods or residential areas to achieve resilient urban fabric and adapted to the consequences and effects of change climate“.
Related publications
Lara Bocanegra, A.J. (2023) Obra nueva. Prototipo de cubierta-gridshell en PEMADE-USC. En: Guía técnica de Soluciones innovadoras en madera Estructural en la arquitectura gallega actual, Ed. Agencia Gallega de la Industria Forestal. Consellería del Medio Natural. Xunta de Galicia Pp. 36-41. Depósito legal: C-2156-2022
Lara Bocanegra, A.J. (2023) Obra nueva. Edificio impulso verde. En: Guía técnica de Soluciones innovadoras en madera Estructural en la arquitectura gallega actual, Ed. Agencia Gallega de la Industria Forestal. Consellería del Medio Natural. Xunta de Galicia Pp. 18-23. Depósito legal: C-2156-2022
Lara-Bocanegra AJ, Majano-Majano A, Guaita M. (2023) Edificio Impulso Verde: hacia un modelo urbano y constructivo. En: LIFE Lugo+Biodinámico. En la vanguardia del urbanismo sostenible, Ed. Concello de Lugo. Pp. 117-139. ISBN: 978-84-09-47501-8.
Eimil Fraga C, Feijóo Lomabo B, Fernández Lorenzo JL, Fernández Núñez E, Gontán Fraga P, Guaita Fernández M, Hinojo Sánchez B, Lara-Bocanegra AJ, Méndez López L, Penedo Souto S, Rigueiro Rodríguez A, Rodríguez Soalleiro RJ y Ruíz García L. (2021) El proyecto Life Lugo + Biodinámico como experiencia de educación Ecosocial. Congreso Internacional SIPS 2021, Educación Ambiental y Cultura de la Sostenibilidad: construyendo la transición ecológica, Lugo, España.
Roig A, Lara-Bocanegra AJ, Majano-Majano A, Guaita M. (2021) Integrating design tools for elastic timber gridshells. World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE 2021), Santiago, Chile.
Lara-Bocanegra AJ, Majano-Majano A, Arriaga F, Guaita M. (2020) Eucalyptus globulus finger jointed solid timber and glued laminated timber with superior mechanical properties: Characterisation and application in strained gridshells. Construction and Building Materials, 265:120355.
Lara-Bocanegra AJ, Roig A, Majano-Majano A, Guaita M. (2020) Innovative design and construction of a permanent elastic timber gridshell. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Structures and Buildings, 173(5):352-362.
Lara-Bocanegra A, Roig A, Majano-Majano A, Guaita M. (2019) From eucalyptus to elastic gridshells. Form and Force. 60th Anniversary Symposium of the Association for shell and spatial structures (IASS), Barcelona, Spain.
Lara-Bocanegra AJ, Majano-Majano A, Feijoo B, Gómez-Royuela JL, Lozano-Bodeguero L, Lorenzana JA, Roig A, Portela M, Guaita M. (2019) Acciones demostrativas con productos estructurales realizados con especies gallegas en el marco del Proyecto Life Lugo+Biodinámico. Lignomad 19, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
Lara-Bocanegra AJ, Roig A, Majano-Majano A, Guaita M. (2018) Innovative developments in the design and construction of a permanent elastic timber gridshell. World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE 2018), Seoul, Republic of Korea.
Related links
■ LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico- Official Website. Visit >>