Luis is an architect specialising in the calculation and design of building structures. Trained as an architect with Degree (2015) and Qualifying Master (2016) by the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (ETSAM), he has completed his training in the field of structures with the Expert Course in Wood Construction of the UPM (2019) and the Master’s Degree in Building Structures (MUEE) of the ETSAM, in which he obtained the qualification of Honours in multiple subjects and in his Master’s Thesis (2021) entitled “Savil Building Gridshell”.

During his studies, he spent a year with an Erasmus scholarship in Bologna, Italy (2014). Throughout his time at the school, his special interest in singular building structures, in particular spatial structures, grows. This leads him in his last year of his degree to develop his TFG entitled “Applications of graphic statics to the design of structures using computer tools”, which obtains the qualification of Honours for its innovative proposed method in the design of singular structures.

In 2017 he was hired as a research assistant to collaborate in the Department of Structures of the ETSAM for two years under the tutelage of Professor Almudena Majano. During this period he worked intensively on the Green Impulse Building and PEMADE Gridshell projects, both within the framework of the European Life Lugo+Biodinamic project. He also collaborates in the preparation of teaching material for various structural subjects of the Fundamentals of Architecture degree and the MUEE together with Almudena Majano and Antonio Lara.

Luis has worked in different architectural firms such as CREA arquitectos and Federico Zamboni’s Studio and engineering firms such as IDI Ingenieros and Fhecor ingenieros. He is currently working as a structural designer and calculator, always trying to bring an extra point of innovation to his projects.

Luis Lozano Bodeguero