Carlos is an architect and research assistant at the Department of Structures and Building Physics (DEFE) at the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Madrid (ETSAM, UPM). In addition, he is currently working on his doctoral thesis “Construction system for timber lattice roofs by means of digital fabrication” under the supervision of Dr. Antonio J. Lara.

Born in Madrid, he began his architectural studies in 2014 at the ETSAM always showing a clear affinity for technical subjects and pursuing training in issues related to sustainable construction and bioclimatic design. During the last year of the degree, he developed the TFG entitled “CLT-concrete composite slab optimization” which was candidate to be awarded with the qualification of Honours.

In the academic year 2020-2021 he studied for a Master’s Degree in Architecture (qualifying) at the ETSAM, obtaining a collaboration grant in the second semester in the Department of Structures. Under the direction of Dr. Antonio José Lara and Dr. Almudena Majano, he returns to the world of timber through the project “Application of digital carpentry to the design of timber gridshell structures built by elastic deformation”.

He obtains the “Aid for the contracting of research assistants and laboratory technicians co-financed by the European Social Fund through the Operational Programme for Youth Employment and the Youth Employment Initiative (YEI)” of the Community of Madrid. Among the tasks of this contract, he is part of the research team of the R+D+i project “Construction system for timber lattice structures based on new high performance timber products and digital manufacturing technology – GRIDADIGTION” (ref: PID2020-112954RA-I00) whose PI is Dr. Almudena Majano. In this field, he carries out, among others, the design of gridshells from their conception using parametric design software to their manufacture and construction using digital fabrication techniques.

Carlos Martínez Criado
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