Edita’s digital identity plan

Creating my DIP was for me the most important aspect during this course. Not only I have been planning to do so since some time now, but also now more importantly than ever before applying for a PhD position I would like to have a full image of my existing digital identity and transform it into the one that I believe is presentable online. This exercise (although it scared me at first), made me step by step do a research about my digital footprint and finally, after 23 years of my life, made me realize how CRUCIAL it is to have as much ‘privacy’ on the internet as you can. Despite the fact that this task was meant specifically for academic and professional purposes, it has also helped me to develop on a personal level.

A big thanks to all my current fellow students for creating such a positive and supporting learning environment and the best of luck to all future MUEC students,

Edita Dvorakova

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