Fossil fuels do not hurt the environment.🔊

Dearest reader,

Now that I have caught your attention, let me introduce myself.
My name is Edita Dvořáková, I am 23 years old and come from Plzeň, Czechia.
I have spent my whole ‘adult’ life in France, where I studied chemistry at the Université de Bordeaux, and later enrolled in the AMIR Master’s programme that I am currently finishing at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
Thanks to my studies and learning opportunities that I have been through, I have realized the following:

  • No, fossil fuels actually do not hurt the environment, but we and our consumption of fossil fuels do.
  • You should always employ critical thinking and try to find an opportunity to contribute to a brighter future instead of blindly accept pessimistic predictions for our generation and those to come.
  • You must be the change you want to see in the world.
  • It is not too late to change our collective mindset and minimize our impact.

With compassion and solution-seeking mindset (and a LITTLE BIT of science!), society can get better and once again be in a symbiotic relationship with this planet that we call our home.
With every cell of my body, I would like to contribute to this change and to the transformation of the current linear economy towards the circular and sustainable one. Although alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.
Meet me at and let’s put our knowledge and skills together to create great things while we still can 🌍

Best wishes until be speak again,
Edita Dvorakova

PS: If you would like to start helping the environment today and save our endangered marine life🌊 and my beloved sharks 🦈, visit:

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