Hi everyone! My name is Leyre Gómez-Pantoja Güemes, and I’m a student of Master’s Degree in Circular Economy of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. I finished my degree in Environmental Sciences at the Universidad de Alcalá in 2020.
I’m currently collaborating with the local government of my hometown to preserve and restore a wetland with a high ecological and biodiversity value.
My interest in the Circular Economy increased when I started my internship in my last year of college. I worked in the applications of Circular Economy and achievements of the sustainable development goals for the business. The Circular Economy model it’s an opportunity to change the linear production system that creates social inequalities, economic unbalance and exploitation of natural resources into a more fair system that can erase the inequity.
If you want to learn more about me, here is my contact information:
My email: leyre.gguemes@alumnos.upm.es