Ports & Terminals – UPM

Ingeniería y Gestión Portuaria

Industry 4.0 in the port and maritime industry: A literature review

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Journal of Industrial Information Integration, vol 20 (December 2020)


Ports and terminals have evolved and from the 2010s have entered into the fifth stage of evolution characterized by their digital transformation and alignment with Industry 4.0 practices. Co-operation among agents is a key element and integration not only involves port authorities, terminals, port users, and related port services providers but the city, port’s hinterland, and well beyond the Global Supply Chain. Internet of Things and sensing solutions, cybersecurity, horizontal and vertical system integration, cloud computing, 3D printing, and additive manufacturing, big data and business analytics, augmented reality and simulation, and modeling are the pillars of Industry 4.0. Some of those are mature enough in the port and maritime industry. However, others remain in their earliest stages in this business and thus, poorly covered by the scientific literature. The article reviews the state of the art on these new emerging technologies, summarizing how ports and terminals are deploying specific projects in the new era of smart ports and Ports 4.0.

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