Community at large​

Cases that involve external partners, such as university networks, industry partners, or public services; community outreach and engagement activities; living labs outside the campus; etc.

Innovation in Engineering and Methods Courses: Action research and service learning for just sustainabilities

Working with interdisciplinary, multi-generational participants from government and citizens' organizations, our Living Laboratory approach teaches contents, methods and hands-on learning as students develop solutions for pressing sustainability challenges.
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SDGs Mobility Program and Global Citizenship Awareness

SDGs Mobility Program and Global Citizenship Awareness Description Institution UNIVERSIDAD AUTONOMA DE MADRID Organizations/areas of the university involved Vice-Chancellorship for Institutional Relations, Social Responsibility and Culture; and Office for Solidarity and Cooperation. Country Spain More information… UNIVERSIDAD AUTONOMA DE MADRID (UAM) has a long and lasting commitment to contribute to international development and sustainable challenges […]

Sustainable Development and Green and Digital Enterprises Innovations

This initiative is focusing on research and study programs on Green and Digital concepts towards gender- WOMEN AND YOUTHS empowerment for sustainable poverty, extreme hunger, climate change and social injustices eradication. It highlights areas of gender friendly Green and Digital Enterprises Innovations for sustainable living and development.

Developing Intersectional Approaches to SDGs: Case of Migration

UNESCO Chair on International Migration established at Yasar University offers an intersectional approach by associating all its teaching and research activities with the SGDs. The case demonstrates how migration as a cross-cutting issue is researched at the university with reference to contributing SDGs especially by developing a wide range of national and international partnerships.
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