Japan-ASEAN Student Conference



The University of Tokyo
Organizations/areas of the university involved



The Japan-ASEAN Student Conference is an annual student two-weeks gathering to find out common SDG-related problems in ASEAN and Japan by more than 100 future leaders. 

(1) Main target group:

Student leaders in ASEAN and JAPAN. 

(2) What you hoped to achieve:

An innovative idea to address SDGs in ASEAN and Japan.

A broad network by future leaders to address SDGs in ASEAN and Japan.  

(3) The steps you took to implement; 

In collaboration with the relevant student group in UT, we approached to the MOFA, Japan to realize the student conference with a relevant educational office in the ASEAN secretariat. 

(4) What you plan to do next:

Basing on the MOU between our student group and SDSN youth, we will implement the projects which came from the conference. 


Results and impact measured or expected

The initiative is to hold an annual gathering around 150 future leaders in ASEAN and Japan to discuss the common SDGs. As it has been held annually, the network of the alumni is so broad in the region that several projects have been implemented among some sub-groups.

Connection with the SDG framework

A mutual learning is critical to find out common SDGs. In this regard, this initiative is to boost the mutual learning in ASEAN and Japan. Furthermore, after the conference, each participant will disseminate the outcome related to SDGs in each university. This will contribute to Education for the SDGs in top universities in ASEAN and Japan.

Barriers and follow up

Financial resources, selection criteria, and post-conference are the three barriers. First, we got the financial support from the JENESYS program under the MOFA, JAPAN. Second, we crafted and disseminated the selection criteria through the liaison of the educational division of the ASEAN secretariat. Third, to maintain the momentum after the conference, several ideas have been realized and implemented as the post-conference project.

Transferability of the initiative

The initiative is transferable to other regions. 1) as a driver, a student core group is needed. In our case, UT’s student group “MIS” has taken the critical role. 2) Sustainable financial support is needed in multi-year. In our case, we secure it by collaborating with MOFA, Japan. 3) Multi-country engagement is preferable to find out common goals. In this regard, the initiative should get the consent from a regional entity such as ASEAN.