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Year Date Newsletter Summary
2025 09/01/2025 The AI Act and its implications on the organisations El AI Act y sus implicaciones para las organizaciones In this quaterly report we discuss how the AI Act impacts the organisations in different aspects.
2024 03/10/2024 New paradigms and their challenges in the construction of neural networks Nuevos paradigmas y sus desafíos en la construcción de redes neuronales In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, we discuss about novel architectures of neural networks.
03/07/2024 Graph theory and neural networks in pharmaceutical industry Teoría de grafos y redes neuronales en la industria farmacéutica In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, we discuss about graph theory and the use of neural networks in the pharmaceutical industry.
03/04/2024 Towards a sustainable Artificial Intelligence Hacia una inteligencia artificial sostenible In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, we discuss the concept of sustainable AI.
09/01/2024 The use of Artificial Intelligence in marketing and sales El uso de la inteligencia artificial en marketing y ventas In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, we will disccus the use of the Artificial Intelligence in marketing and sales
2023 07/10/2023 The use for Artificial Inteligence for human resource management El uso de la Inteligencia Artifical para la gestión de los recursos humanos In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, we will disccus the use of the Artifical Inteligence for human resource management
11/07/2023 Large Language Models: a new era for Artificial Intelligence Large Language Models: una nueva era en la intelgiencia artificial In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, we will explore the exciting progress of large-scale language models and their impact on the field of Artificial Intelligence.
03/04/2023 Artificial Intelligence applied to the healthcare sector La Inteligencia Artificial aplicada al sector de la salud In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, we review data repositories and use cases, and discusses the challenges and opportunities of AI in healthcare.
04/01/2023 Predictive maintenance Mantenimiento predictivo In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, we review the concept of Predictive maintenance.
2022 13/10/2022 ML applied to Credit Risk: building explainable models ML aplicado al Riesgo de Crédito: construcción de modelos explicables In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, we review the concept of ML applied to Credit Risk.
05/07/2022 Distributed Computing Comptación Distribuida In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, we review the concept of Distributed Computing.
04/04/2022 Open Source ecosystems Los ecosistemas Open Source In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, we review the concept of Open Source ecosystems.
01/01/2022 Deep Learning In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, we review the concept of Deep Learning.
2021 30/09/2021 Component Modeling Modelización por componentes In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, the concept of component modeling has been developed.
26/07/2021 Cloud outsourcing risk management Gestión del riesgo de externalización de servicios en la nube In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, the concept of Cloud outsourcing risk management has been developed.
05/04/2021 Machine Learning Algorithms Algoritmos de Machine Learning In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, the concept of Machine Learning Algorithms has been developed.
04/01/2021 Causalty and Machine Learning Causalidad y Machine Learning In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, the concept of Machine Learning Algorithms has been developed.
2020 01/10/2020 ML-Ops In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, the concept of the ML-Ops, a key element in the digital ecosystem has been developed.
17/07/2020 Memoria de actividades La finalidad de esta memoria es explicar de forma explícita y clara las actividades realizadas durante el año 2019 y el estado de su realización a fecha de 30 de junio de 2020.
02/07/2020 Limits of modelling Limites de la modelización In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, the concept of the limits of modelling has been developed.
31/03/2020 Data Democratization Democratización de los datos In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, the concept of Data Democratization has been developed.
07/01/2020 Ethics and Artificial Intelligence Etica y Inteligencia Artificial In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, the concept of Ethics and Artificial Intelligence has been developed.
2019 04/11/2019 Interpretability of Artificial Intelligence models Interpretabilidad de la Inteligencia Artificial In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, the concept of Ethics and Artificial Intelligence has been developed.
Year Date Newsletter Summary
2024 03/10/2024 New paradigms and their challenges in the construction of neural networks Nuevos paradigmas y sus desafíos en la construcción de redes neuronales In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, we discuss about novel architectures of neural networks.
03/07/2024 Graph theory and neural networks in pharmaceutical industry Teoría de grafos y redes neuronales en la industria farmacéutica In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, we discuss about graph theory and the use of neural networks in the pharmaceutical industry.
03/04/2024 Towards a sustainable Artificial Intelligence Hacia una inteligencia artificial sostenible In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, we discuss the concept of sustainable AI.
09/01/2024 The use of Artificial Intelligence in marketing and sales El uso de la inteligencia artificial en marketing y ventas In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, we will disccus the use of the Artificial Intelligence in marketing and sales
2023 07/10/2023 The use for Artificial Inteligence for human resource management El uso de la Inteligencia Artifical para la gestión de los recursos humanos In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, we will disccus the use of the Artifical Inteligence for human resource management
11/07/2023 Large Language Models: a new era for Artificial Intelligence Large Language Models: una nueva era en la intelgiencia artificial In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, we will explore the exciting progress of large-scale language models and their impact on the field of Artificial Intelligence.
03/04/2023 Artificial Intelligence applied to the healthcare sector La Inteligencia Artificial aplicada al sector de la salud In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, we review data repositories and use cases, and discusses the challenges and opportunities of AI in healthcare.
04/01/2023 Predictive maintenance Mantenimiento predictivo In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, we review the concept of Predictive maintenance.
2022 13/10/2022 ML applied to Credit Risk: building explainable models ML aplicado al Riesgo de Crédito: construcción de modelos explicables In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, we review the concept of ML applied to Credit Risk.
05/07/2022 Distributed Computing Comptación Distribuida In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, we review the concept of Distributed Computing.
04/04/2022 Open Source ecosystems Los ecosistemas Open Source In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, we review the concept of Open Source ecosystems.
01/01/2022 Deep Learning In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, we review the concept of Deep Learning.
2021 30/09/2021 Component Modeling Modelización por componentes In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, the concept of component modeling has been developed.
26/07/2021 Cloud outsourcing risk management Gestión del riesgo de externalización de servicios en la nube In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, the concept of Cloud outsourcing risk management has been developed.
05/04/2021 Machine Learning Algorithms Algoritmos de Machine Learning In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, the concept of Machine Learning Algorithms has been developed.
04/01/2021 Causalty and Machine Learning Causalidad y Machine Learning In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, the concept of Machine Learning Algorithms has been developed.
2020 01/10/2020 ML-Ops In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, the concept of the ML-Ops, a key element in the digital ecosystem has been developed.
17/07/2020 Memoria de actividades La finalidad de esta memoria es explicar de forma explícita y clara las actividades realizadas durante el año 2019 y el estado de su realización a fecha de 30 de junio de 2020.
02/07/2020 Limits of modelling Limites de la modelización In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, the concept of the limits of modelling has been developed.
31/03/2020 Data Democratization Democratización de los datos In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, the concept of Data Democratization has been developed.
07/01/2020 Ethics and Artificial Intelligence Etica y Inteligencia Artificial In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, the concept of Ethics and Artificial Intelligence has been developed.
2019 04/11/2019 Interpretability of Artificial Intelligence models Interpretabilidad de la Inteligencia Artificial In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, the concept of Ethics and Artificial Intelligence has been developed.

Cátedra iDANAE | MS & UPM