2025 |
09/01/2025 |
The AI Act and its implications on the organisations
El AI Act y sus implicaciones para las organizaciones |
In this quaterly report we discuss how the AI Act impacts the organisations in different aspects. |
2024 |
03/10/2024 |
New paradigms and their challenges in the construction of neural networks
Nuevos paradigmas y sus desafíos
en la construcción de redes neuronales |
In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, we discuss about novel architectures of neural networks. |
03/07/2024 |
Graph theory and neural networks in pharmaceutical industry
Teoría de grafos y redes neuronales en la industria farmacéutica |
In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, we discuss about graph theory and the use of neural networks in the pharmaceutical industry. |
03/04/2024 |
Towards a sustainable Artificial Intelligence
Hacia una inteligencia artificial sostenible |
In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, we discuss the concept of sustainable AI. |
09/01/2024 |
The use of Artificial Intelligence in marketing and sales
El uso de la inteligencia artificial
en marketing y ventas |
In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, we will disccus the use of the Artificial Intelligence in marketing and sales |
2023 |
07/10/2023 |
The use for Artificial Inteligence for human resource management
El uso de la Inteligencia Artifical para la gestión de los recursos humanos |
In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, we will disccus the use of the Artifical Inteligence for human resource management |
11/07/2023 |
Large Language Models: a new era for Artificial Intelligence
Large Language Models: una nueva era en la intelgiencia artificial |
In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, we will explore the exciting progress of large-scale language models and their impact on the field of Artificial Intelligence. |
03/04/2023 |
Artificial Intelligence applied to the healthcare sector
La Inteligencia Artificial aplicada al sector de la salud |
In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, we review data repositories and use cases, and discusses the challenges and opportunities of AI in healthcare. |
04/01/2023 |
Predictive maintenance
Mantenimiento predictivo |
In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, we review the concept of Predictive maintenance. |
2022 |
13/10/2022 |
ML applied to Credit Risk: building explainable models
ML aplicado al Riesgo de Crédito: construcción de modelos explicables |
In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, we review the concept of ML applied to Credit Risk. |
05/07/2022 |
Distributed Computing
Comptación Distribuida |
In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, we review the concept of Distributed Computing. |
04/04/2022 |
Open Source ecosystems
Los ecosistemas Open Source |
In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, we review the concept of Open Source ecosystems. |
01/01/2022 |
Deep Learning
In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, we review the concept of Deep Learning. |
2021 |
30/09/2021 |
Component Modeling
Modelización por componentes |
In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, the concept of component modeling has been developed. |
26/07/2021 |
Cloud outsourcing risk management
Gestión del riesgo de externalización de servicios en la nube |
In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, the concept of Cloud outsourcing risk management has been developed. |
05/04/2021 |
Machine Learning Algorithms
Algoritmos de Machine Learning |
In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, the concept of Machine Learning Algorithms has been developed. |
04/01/2021 |
Causalty and Machine Learning
Causalidad y Machine Learning |
In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, the concept of Machine Learning Algorithms has been developed. |
2020 |
01/10/2020 |
In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, the concept of the ML-Ops, a key element in the digital ecosystem has been developed. |
17/07/2020 |
Memoria de actividades
La finalidad de esta memoria es explicar de forma explícita y clara las actividades realizadas durante el año 2019 y el estado de su realización a fecha de 30 de junio de 2020. |
02/07/2020 |
Limits of modelling
Limites de la modelización |
In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, the concept of the limits of modelling has been developed. |
31/03/2020 |
Data Democratization
Democratización de los datos |
In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, the concept of Data Democratization has been developed. |
07/01/2020 |
Ethics and Artificial Intelligence
Etica y Inteligencia Artificial |
In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, the concept of Ethics and Artificial Intelligence has been developed. |
2019 |
04/11/2019 |
Interpretability of Artificial Intelligence models
Interpretabilidad de la Inteligencia Artificial |
In this quarterly report published by the iDanae Chair, the concept of Ethics and Artificial Intelligence has been developed. |