English for Agriculture and Livestock Farming

For those who like Farming terminology

28 abril, 2015
por alonso.redondo@upm.es
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Agricultural crossword number 1

crossword 1 001Here you are. I´ve created a crossword, this is number 1. Most words are related to our terminology (not all of them). This is another way of refreshing our English and our Specific English.

You may download it as a pdf, to print it. CROSSWORD 1

If you cannot solve the whole of it, you may contact me, of course.


I hope you enjoy it.


24 abril, 2015
por alonso.redondo@upm.es
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An old great book

lomo libro 001poultry house1It is so great to be able to glance over this old material. This is the 10th edition of 'The Science and Practice of British Farming', (Watson and More), year 1956. So interesting!
I´ve posted a photo, but the best of this book is that its theoretical content may meet the needs of farmers, students, linguists, professors.  A wide range of people!



You may consult it here if you like, come to see us!
ETSI Agrónomos – UPM
Avda. Puerta de Hierro, 2. (28040 Madrid).

Bye, thanks

22 abril, 2015
por alonso.redondo@upm.es
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Listening exercise number 3

You are going to hear three definitions related to pig farming. Try to write down the right word for every definition given.



a) ……………………………………………..



b) ……………………………………………..



c) …………………………………………….. 

If you cannot recognize the terms, please email me, or comment!

Thanks, bye,


21 abril, 2015
por alonso.redondo@upm.es
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Listening exercise number 2


Fill in the blanks as you listen to the mp3:

Today´s question is what are oxygen absorbers? The purpose is, yes you guess it, to absorb oxygen. We use it specifically in our ________________ sealed dehydrated food __________________ for long term ________________.



Contact me with requests or if you can´t fill in the blanks.

Best wishes,


21 abril, 2015
por alonso.redondo@upm.es
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‘Do not eat; Oxygen absorber’

oxyn absorber 001
Last Saturday evening I was having  some ‘cheetos pelotazos’ at home,  when I found this ‘thing’ inside my snack bag, and I thought … what the heck is this? Is this another sticker for my daughter? …  But when I watched it, I could read: ‘Do not eat; Oxygen absorber’
It is curious how Food Technology Industry works on product safety.
By the way, these items are also called oxygen scavengers.

I´ll post listening exercise number 2 in a while, it is related to oxygen absorber.

Have fun,


17 abril, 2015
por alonso.redondo@upm.es
3 comentarios

What is permaculture?

permacultureIn the communication 'Options for an EU vision and target for biodiversity beyond 2010', (http://eur-lex.europa.eu/), this was said about permaculture:

The promise of permaculture as an effective protector and restorer of biodiversity should be explored and enhanced. The EU also needs fully to assess the impact of its consumption patterns on biodiversity beyond its borders.

It´s been 5 years since, and the term permaculture cannot be found in the British Encyclopaedia:
http://www.britannica.com/: There are currently no results related to your search.
The same thing for the Spanish language:
http://lema.rae.es/drae/: La palabra permacultura no está registrada en el Diccionario.
Is this a sign? Has the term / the idea not fully entered our awareness?
I don´t know. However, the term, both in English and Spanish, is very present in papers, research articles etc. Will it be covered as a ‘true’ term in General English / Spanish?
I don´t know either, but the idea of the term is the most important thing:

Basically, permaculture is let the soil grow whatever it needssmiley

Enjoy your weekend,

16 abril, 2015
por alonso.redondo@upm.es
2 comentarios

An activity book for our terminology

english for agriculture activity book 001English for Agriculture: Activity Book 1 &2. ISBN: R 417. 978-84-74-01-204-0 was published in 2006 in 'Servicio de publicaciones E.T.S.I. Agrónomos'. An exercise book aimed at students who would like to increase their knowledge of Technical English Language Applied to Agriculture and related fields. (Authors: Georgina Cuadrado Esclapez, María Jesús Gozalo Sainz, María Trinidad González González and Alonso Redondo Ramiro).

A page is posted, as an example:

english for agriculture sample 


It´s been a long time since the book was published, but still a good source of study for me.

See you soon,



15 abril, 2015
por alonso.redondo@upm.es
2 comentarios

listening exercise number 1

Our listening exercises feature specific language, mp3, dictations, fill in the blanks, true false and a whole lot more.

Think of it as a place to practice your specific English, podcast style.

here you´re the first listening exercise:

Listening exercise number 1: Fill in the blanks as you listen to the mp3:

The __________________ of the pig may not be as fast as what we, as consumers we´d like to have or what ______________________needs to get.


Contact me with requests or if you can´t fill the blanks.


Thanks, bye


listeningPodcasts are very fashionable today. I like mp3 podcasts in particular, because it is great to listen to real professionals of any field, such as Agriculture. These guys teach so much. I´m glad to recommend http://agriculturalinsights.com/category/podcasts/

There you will find a very useful mp3 podcast. (American English, by the way).

They say:

'Learn from real farmers and ranchers'.

Have Fun!
