English for Agriculture and Livestock Farming

For those who like Farming terminology

   Hi there! Let´s move on to listening exercises!

Here you are listening exercise number 6.

6 listening exercise

Contact me if you cannot solve the exercise by your own, I´ll be glad to help!

Alonso Redondo Ramiro
Departamento de Lingüística Aplicada a la Ciencia y a la Tecnología
ETSI Agrónomos – UPM

22 abril, 2015
por alonso.redondo@upm.es
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Listening exercise number 3

You are going to hear three definitions related to pig farming. Try to write down the right word for every definition given.     a) ……………………………………………..     b) ……………………………………………..     c) ……………………………………………..  If you cannot recognize the terms, … Sigue leyendo