In 2014 the Lugo City Council submitted the application for the LIFE project Lugo + Biodynamic “planning of a multi-ecological neighbourhood as a model of urban resilience”, within the framework of the Climate Action sub-programme in the line of Adaptation to Climate Change. The City Council was joined as partners by the Provincial Council of Lugo, the Polytechnic University of Madrid and the University of Santiago de Compostela. University of Santiago de Compostela. 1,200 proposals were submitted and 26 were 26 proposals were approved, two of them in Spain, one from the City Council of Lugo and the other from the Regional Government of Andalusia. The LIFE programme is a financial instrument of the European Union dedicated to the environment. environment with two main objectives: to introduce environmental and climate criteria into EU policies and to promote innovative technologies in the field of climate change and the environment. environment. Its motto being “living well, respecting the limits of our planet” and seeking to to raise awareness in society on issues such as resource efficiency, nature conservation and biodiversity. conservation of nature and biodiversity, climate change mitigation and adaptation to climate change. adaptation to climate change.