José Luis is Assistant Professor at the Department of Building Structures and Physics, at the School of Architecture (ETSAM) of the Technical University of Madrid (UPM) and researcher at the Timber Construction Research Group (GICM). He has ever-growing interest in structural design, sustainable construction, PassivHaus standard and numerical modelling by the finite element method. He is currently carrying out his PhD studies with the thesis entitled Splitting strength analysis of doweled hardwood connections loaded perpendicular to the grain under a fracture mechanics approach, with the supervision of Dr. Almudena Majano (ETSAM) and Dr. José Xavier (NOVA University of Lisbon).

He studied Architecture at the University of Valladolid (MScArch 2014). Before joined the ETSAM (UPM), he worked as a free architect in projects of architecture, rehabilitation, and structural design. Among the rehabilitation projects are the church of Villegas and the Corregidor’s house of Cuenca. In 2017, he completed the Master in Building Structures at ETSAM (UPM), where he was the winner of the Prototype competition, demonstrating a high degree of structural knowledge, expertise and skill.

José Luis is co-author of one publication in an indexed peer-reviewed journal. His research works are in the field of material characterization of both mechanical and fracture properties in hardwood. He has participated as a researcher in European and national R&D Projects, collaborating in the Impulso Verde Building and the PEMADE Gridshell projects. He is currently part of the working team of the R&D project Gridadigtion.

José Luis Gómez Royuela