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Colaboradores, compañeros/as y participantes de UNI-Health,

Queremos compartir con todas las personas que nos estáis siguiendo y acompañando en este proyecto los avances más recientes!

Esta semana hemos cerrado con éxito la primera edición anual del proyecto UNI-Health con el evento del festival en Newcastle, una jornada de networking que se ha centrado en soluciones basadas en la naturaleza y la salud urbana. Los estudiantes del seminario celebrado en Octubre en Newcastle también compartieron y publicaron sus trabajos. Pronto publicaremos los resultados del evento en nuestras redes.

Por otra parte, en la Escuela de Arquitectura de Madrid (ETSAM) de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, tendremos el mes de diciembre dedicado al ODS Nº3 Salud y bienestar. Con ese motivo vamos a presentar los resultados del proyecto UNI-Heath, que hemos desarrollado varias investigadoras sobre “Salud y urbanismo: envejecimiento activo”. El proyecto UNI-Health ha estructurado una red de investigadores de varias disciplinas, de profesores de urbanismo, sociólogos, ambientalistas, psicólogos ambientales, médicos de medicina preventiva, epidemiólogos y arquitectos, bajo el objetivo de mejorar los espacios públicos de las ciudades desde el envejecimiento activo. El miércoles 04 de diciembre a las 11,30 en la sala de grados b de la ETSAM, se van a presentar los resultados del proyecto en el barrio madrileño de Usera, gracias a la actividad colaborativa entre los estudiantes de posgrado, los expertos, los servicios sociales de la Junta Municipal de Usera y la Mesa de Mayores de Usera.

Los resultados se estructuran mediante la metodología de un Plan de Acción Local, con tres grandes líneas estratégicas: un barrio para caminar; más verde en el barrio de Usera, y nuevos espacios de convivencia intergeneracional. Estas lineas han sido presentadas como “Criterios de Diseño Urbano para barrios más saludables” en la Federación Española de Municipios y Provincias gracias al convenio de colaboración entre el Ministerio de Sanidad, la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid y la FEMP, bajo la dirección de José Fariña, Ester Higueras y Emilia Román.

La responsabilidad de transformar, adaptar y crear espacios más amigables con las personas mayores se abre como una linea de investigación preferente en numerosas disciplinas.
Nos gustaría contar con vosotros para ese momento, si estuvierais disponibles.

Además, en paralelo, parte del equipo estará la semana que viene en París durante los eventos EIT Health Summit y Matchmaking para publicar nuestra nueva convocatoria para el próximo proyecto EIT Health BP 2021. Estamos buscando colaboradores y socios para aumentar esta red y volver a reaplicar UNI-Health en otras ciudades y contextos urbanos y presentar nuevos proyectos para hacer frente a los retos de la salud en las ciudades del siglo XXI. En este próximo año 2020 nos gustaría fortalecer nuestra red con agentes interesados en salud urbana, datos de salud y soluciones basadas en la naturaleza.


–  Blogs del proyecto: y

–  Vídeo resumen –  Presentación proyecto:

–  Rutas UNI-Health:

–  Story-Map:

Esperamos coincidir con todas vosotras pronto!

Un abrazo,

Equipo del proyecto UNI-Health 2019
Ester Higueras, Emilia Román, Cristina Gallego y Elisa Pozo
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


Dear partners, colleagues and participants of UNI-Health,

We are happy to share with all you the recent advances of the UNI-Health project.

We have successfully closed the first year edition with the networking festival at Newcastle to share innovative projects and ideas on nature-based solutions and urban health. Students have also shown their works of the Newcastle seminar edition celebrated on October. We will publish soon all the results on our sites.

On the other hand, in the School of Architecture (ETSAM) of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, we will dedicate the whole month of December to the SDG Nº3 Good Health and Well-Being. UNI-Health project has created a networking of multidisciplinar researchers, urban professors, sociologists, environmentalists, psychologists, preventive care doctors, epidemiologists and architects. The main and common objective is to improve the public spaces in the cities from the perspective of active ageing. Next Wednesday 4th of December at 11:30h at “Sala Grados B” we will present the results of the project in Usera district in Madrid. This project has been developed thanks to the collaborative activity between post-degree students, experts, social services of District Council of Usera and Older People Council of Usera.

The results are structured following a Local Action Plan methodology, with three main strategic lines: a walkable neighborhood, greening Usera district and new spaces for conviviality and intergenerational meeting. These lines have been presented as “Urban Design Criteria for Healthier Neighborhoods” in the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) thanks to a collaboration between Health Ministery, FEMP and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. This work has been directed by José Fariña, Ester Higueras and Emilia Román.

Responsability and compromise of transform, adapt and create friendlier spaces with older people is a shared research line that is getting attention as a key topic in different fields. We would like to invite you all to this presentation.

Additionally, next week we will be in Paris for the EIT Health Summit and Matchmaking Events to publish our open call for next EIT Health BP 2021. We are looking for new partners to increase this network, replicate UNI-Health in another cities and urban contexts and prepare new projects together. For this following year 2020 we would also welcome interested agents on health data and Nature-based solutions in order to reinforce the current network and try to support existing projects.


–  Blogs of the project: and

–  Videos of the first edition in Madrid:

–  UNI-Health Itinerary:

–  Story-Map:

Hope to meet you soon!

Best regards,

UNI-Health 2019 Madrid Project Team
Ester Higueras, Emilia Román, Cristina Gallego y Elisa Pozo
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Creating cartographies and ARUP’s lab visit

Hello to everybody!

Last monday 1st April we finished our program of scheduled seminars with the participation of Pedro Rico Contreras from ESRI and the visit to ARUP’s lab.

First we started the session both with theory and practical cases and examples of ESRI tools applied to many different projects. They are developing fast on 3D modelling and visualization tools in order to understand our territories better and share information in a easier way.

Many of the examples he had shown is a shared and growing experience with different cities and territories, such as Valencia or Madrid. Also the project StoryMaps is another application very interesting and nearer to citizens, with interactive cartographies.

They are now working on 3D visualising, cartographies for NGOs and local associations and they are attracting more interest for developing citizen participation tools too.

Pedro Rico showing 3D visualisation environments that are developing in different cities and territories.

Group picture in the entry of ARUP’s headquarters in Madrid.

In the afternoon we were welcomed by Susana Saiz in ARUP’s new lab where we experimented different accoustic simulations. They have showed us different study cases they have developed in order to test different projects and the accoustic impacts. They have also introduced us to an inmersive experience of virtual reality environment in different sets and with different options for interaction.

This was the last session of the seminars, but next week 8th April we will be presenting the students’ analysis on urban health issues from the poing of view of active ageing. We will count with the participation of different local agents and our partners from Newcastle.

Virtual Reality experiences tested by students.

Meet you next Monday!


UNI-Health Team

Environmental Psychology and Universal Accessibility

Hello to everybody!!

Today we have started the morning with a very interesting talk about environmental psychology and how the places affect us once we have built the places. Professor Antonio Corraliza, from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, explained to us the importance of the built environment not only for feeling comfortable and safe, but also to influence in our moods and behaviour. He told us several experiments and case studies that have shown how people react or behave depending on the built environment.

Also he explained some study cases to show evidence on the benefits of urban nature spaces in our physical and mental health, considering all the ages.

Professor Corraliza explaining health from the point of view of psychology.

Finally, we went by the main qualities that a space should take into consideration in order to be “age-friendly”, according to the “environmental psychogerontology” and the main problems we should think about when we work with the elderly: loneliness.

In the second part of the seminar, Carlos Rodriguez, from CEAPAT, took us across many cities and public spaces from the point of view of the elderly and handicapped people. We found out the main difficulties that the elderly face when they decide to go out to the streets. In many cities we find problems with  slopes, stairs, slippery pavements, “accessible” paths in public spaces that lead to nowhere.

Other elements of the urban furniture should also be considered. For example, for a correct bank design, the height and width of the seat should be properly designed in order to consider the right ergonomy for the elderly. It is necessary that they are comfortable, but the elderly have many other requirements such as proper armrests.

The fountains and toilettes are very important for the elderly, as we have seen in previous session, they might need to go to toilet more often and be hydrated constantly, moreover during the summer.

Also, post box, garbage containers, lightning posts… they are elements that need to be considered and correctly placed in the public space in order not to disturb the pedestrian paths.

Carlos Rodriguez showing the quality of a comfortable walkable space.

Last, but not least, the importance of segregated cycling lanes. We have to remember that the pedestrian areas should be protected and assured and it is not compatible with cycling traffic when it is not leisure but urban traffic.

After the session, we went to Usera neighborhood again, in order to study again the qualities of the public space, looking through our new “glasses” of accessibility as we were in wheel chair or not being able to go up or down steps. The neighborhood has all the difficulties that we can imagine: pedestrian crossings not adapted, other ones that lead to no safe path, cars occupying the streets, even on the pedestrian areas, parks without any accessible way,  trees invading and breaking the pavements… There was a big lack of continuity in pedestrian pathways.

Evidence shows the slope exceeds the accessible 2%.

At the evening, the big containers are already full. They continue to interrupt the walkable paths, the smell is nasty and unhealthy and they are located in the wrong possition to enable their easy opening.

Next session we will learn practical tools to be able to represent graphically the analysis we have developed!

Looking forward to meet you next Monday!

UNI-Health Team

Newcastle Experiences on Active Ageing

Hello to everybody!

This last Monday has been a very special day as the Newcastle Team came to our seminar with new perspectives about active ageing and the experiences they are developing in Newcastle.

Team working session in the Escuela de Arquitectura de Madrid.

Dr. Dominic Aitken opened the session with an introduction about Newcastle University and the National Innovation Center for Ageing.

Dr. Dominic Aitken introducing Newcastle University and research main focuses.

Barbara Douglas was the first speaker to talk about Active Ageing. Barbara has worked in the field of ageing for many years, focusing on the elderly experience to work on how to improve the quality of life of older people. She shared her perspectives and initiatives held in Newcastle and their citizenship-based policy approach in terms of Active and Healthy Ageing.

Barbara has been engaged with different programs, activities and initiatives for a long time regarding Active Ageing.


In the afternoon, Professor Rose Gilroy and Graham Armitage presented their work on innovation and ageing.

Graham Armitage has shown the main challenges for a older population and introduced the innovation scope to this context. What will be the future in terms of innovation for the elderly? Robots helping and accompanying us? Or a society where care is integrated as part of out daily lives? He gave us a very inspirational and interesting presentation about innovation in Ageing.


Graham Armitage explaining tendencies and data from their research experience in Ageing.

Finally, Professor Rose Gilroy explained her research line about homes for the elderly and how these issues are been implemented in UK. “Future Homes” is a project that looks for an answer to the new challenges and necessities that arose with the ageing of the population.



Rose Gilroy delighted us with an interesting presentation about our future environments and homes, conveived to answer the new necessities of all the population.

The session was closed with a brief panel question to share ideas and discuss open futures for our cities to be healthier, more inclusive and sustainable.

Group picture with Newcastle Team and students.

Next Monday we will have the opportunity to meet Susana Díaz from ARUP and see the implementation of health issues on real case projects! Meet you there!

UNI-Health Team