Training is considered a key dimension of μe-UPM since it combines an essential mission of the University with a growing need in multiple sectors, as public administrations, companies and public centers have repeatedly expressed.

In addition to the official UPM catalog in microelectronics training, offering different degrees, masters and doctorates, promoted by various schools and faculties of the UPM, the μe-UPM initiative seeks to use microcredentials to generate a more dynamic training proposal, flexible, and adapted to the needs of companies in the sector.

Microcredentials are university courses of between 1 and 3 ECTS that represent shorter forms of learning opportunities than traditional qualifications, which are developing rapidly across Europe.

μe-UPM is preparing an ambitious catalog of microcredentials in the fields of microelectronics, optoelectronics and semiconductor technologies, which will be made public shortly.