Special issue: Economic, social and political impact of blockchain Paper Call

Publicado por gjuste en

One of the technologies that has received the most attention recently is blockchain. This technology is thought to be the biggest industry disruptor since the development of the Internet and a computer megatrend that has the ability to drastically alter the course of human history in the near future. Blockchain is a key component of the metaverse and the foundation for cross-jurisdictional disruptions in sectors including agri-food, logistics, and financial technology.

Due to some of its primary characteristics, blockchain technology is positioned to have an impact on economies and communities. In order to build confidence in a time of misinformation, avoid fraud, and provide transparency to important processes in both the private and governmental sectors, anonymization, data security, inviolable logging, tamper-proofing, and auditability appear particularly helpful. Knowing where, how, and why blockchain projects are implemented in a specific industry, what challenges they encounter, and how they relate to current and future policy, is thus a key question for this special issue.

Anyone interested can find all the detailed information in the third entry of the following link:


Categorías: Tech Diplomacy

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