The Group of Mechanobiology of the Center for Biomedical Technology participates in the project tec4bio, founded by Comunidad de Madrid (Nuevas Tecnologías Aplicadas al Estudio de Nanomáquinas Biológicas, Programas de I+D en Tecnología. Referencia: S2018/NMT-4443, duración: 2019-2022).

You can find more information about the project on its web.
Our laboratory contributes research on cell mechanics and biomechanical characterization of tissues and biomaterials. Firstly, we are mainly focused on improving the automatic measurement of deformability parameters for suspended cells, aiming to develop tools that can provide a better understanding of the relationships among cellular content, internal ordering, biophysical properties and cell function. Secondly, collaborating with other groups we are obtaining biomechanical characterization of cells, tissues and protein-based biomaterials.