Virtual reality application for fostering interest in art

There is concern within the cultural community about the decreasing number of people, especially young people, visiting museums and cultural institutions. To fight this trend, new ways of accessing art are needed. We believe that technologies like virtual reality can greatly foster the relationship between users and works of art. In this article, we present an elaborated virtual reality experience, ImmersArt, whose aim is to take users literally inside a work of art and the creative universe of its creator. The motivational impact of this tool was empirically analyzed and compared with other formats for experiencing art such as illustrated books and audiovisual presentations. The study suggests that young people are more motivated to study artwork when using virtual reality.

About Jesús Mayor

Jesús Mayor is since 2019 a full-time lecturer and researcher in Politécnica de Madrid University. He received MS degree in Computer Science (CEU San Pablo, 2013), MS degree in Computer Graphics (U-tad, 2014) and PhD degree in Computer Science (Rey Juan Carlos University, 2020) in Madrid. His studies are focused on computer graphics and data science

Scrum vr: Virtual reality serious video game to learn scrum

Education is crucial for the growth of society, and the usage of effective learning methods is key to transmit knowledge to young students. Some initiatives present Virtual Reality technologies as a promising medium to provide active, effective, and innovative teaching. In turn, the use of this technology seems to be very attractive to students, making it possible to acquire knowledge through it. On the other hand, agile methodologies have taken an essential role within information technologies and they are key in Software Engineering education. This paper combines both areas and presents prior research about Virtual Reality experiences with educational purposes and introduces a serious VR video game that aims to promote the learning of agile methodologies in Software Engineering education, specifically the Scrum methodology. This application tries to bring students closer to their first days of work within a software development team that uses the Scrum methodology. Two evaluation processes performed with university teachers and students indicate that the developed video game meets the proposed objectives and looks promising.

About Jesús Mayor

Jesús Mayor is since 2019 a full-time lecturer and researcher in Politécnica de Madrid University. He received MS degree in Computer Science (CEU San Pablo, 2013), MS degree in Computer Graphics (U-tad, 2014) and PhD degree in Computer Science (Rey Juan Carlos University, 2020) in Madrid. His studies are focused on computer graphics and data science

Entornos parcialmente no euclidianos en realidad virtual

Title Translation: Partially non-Euclidean environments in virtual reality.

Currently, virtual reality environments are limited by workspace. Therefore, it is necessary to find solutions for virtual experiences to take advantage of the available workspace. This paper proposes a method to take advantage of the workspace through the generation of geometrically overlapped spaces by using portals that are imperceptible to the user. Thanks to these portals it is possible to create a momentary break in the conventional Euclidean geometry, allowing to show different scenarios within a single physical space. Although this kind of effect has been seen in conventional games, its application in virtual environments
has several technical implications. These implications are detailed and defined in this article. Likewise, the perceptual implications that this effect could have on users are discussed, opening the possibility of new studies associated with this visual effect.

About Jesús Mayor

Jesús Mayor is since 2019 a full-time lecturer and researcher in Politécnica de Madrid University. He received MS degree in Computer Science (CEU San Pablo, 2013), MS degree in Computer Graphics (U-tad, 2014) and PhD degree in Computer Science (Rey Juan Carlos University, 2020) in Madrid. His studies are focused on computer graphics and data science

CF4J 2.0: Adapting Collaborative Filtering for Java to new challenges of collaborative filtering based recommender systems

CF4J 2.0 is a framework for conducting research experiments based on collaborative filtering. This framework has been designed keeping the scientific community in mind. It includes major features such as a high number of implemented algorithms from the state-of-the-art, several quality measures and parallel execution of the techniques, as well as abstract classes and interfaces to allow developers to extend and customize the library. Furthermore, this new version of the library focuses on the following key features: simple deployment of collaborative filtering experiments, reproducible science, hyper-parameter optimization, data analysis, and openness to the community as an open-source project.

About Jesús Mayor

Jesús Mayor is since 2019 a full-time lecturer and researcher in Politécnica de Madrid University. He received MS degree in Computer Science (CEU San Pablo, 2013), MS degree in Computer Graphics (U-tad, 2014) and PhD degree in Computer Science (Rey Juan Carlos University, 2020) in Madrid. His studies are focused on computer graphics and data science

A Virtual Reality Training Application for Adults With Asperger’s Syndrome

Asperger’s syndrome is a disorder that involves a qualitative impairment in social interactions. While most treatments are aimed at children or adolescents, in this paper we present the development of a virtual reality training application in which adults with Asperger’s syndrome can train in an autonomous and controlled way how to present in public.

About Jesús Mayor

Jesús Mayor is since 2019 a full-time lecturer and researcher in Politécnica de Madrid University. He received MS degree in Computer Science (CEU San Pablo, 2013), MS degree in Computer Graphics (U-tad, 2014) and PhD degree in Computer Science (Rey Juan Carlos University, 2020) in Madrid. His studies are focused on computer graphics and data science

Optimización del filtrado colaborativo basado en factorización matricial mediante la relevancia de las preferencias de los usuarios

Title Translation: Optimization of collaborative filtering based on matrix factorization through relevance of user preferences

Collaborative filtering based on matrix factorization has become the reference method for the recommendation of products or services due to the high precision of recommendations it generates. The experimental results carried out on the datasets of MovieLens 100K, MovieLens lM and Netflix demonstrate a clear improvement in terms of quality of predictions and recommendations compared to other matrix factorization techniques.

About Jesús Mayor

Jesús Mayor is since 2019 a full-time lecturer and researcher in Politécnica de Madrid University. He received MS degree in Computer Science (CEU San Pablo, 2013), MS degree in Computer Graphics (U-tad, 2014) and PhD degree in Computer Science (Rey Juan Carlos University, 2020) in Madrid. His studies are focused on computer graphics and data science

A comparative study of virtual reality methods of interaction and locomotion based on presence, cybersickness and usability

In recent years, virtual reality has experienced notorious technological advances in a quite short time. In an attempt to quickly response to this technical developments, some designs and developments of inmersive environments have caused different symptoms such as dizziness or disorientation. This work aims to analyze different methods of interaction and locomotion used in inmersive environments (Point of Interest, Gamepad, Teleport and Room-Scale) in three different aspects: presence, cybersickness and usability. We have designed and developed an experimental environment to carry out an empirical analysis with 48 subjects comparing the results obtained in different perceptual experiments. As a result, we provide a guideline for the use of these methods of interaction and locomotion in virtual reality.

About Jesús Mayor

Jesús Mayor is since 2019 a full-time lecturer and researcher in Politécnica de Madrid University. He received MS degree in Computer Science (CEU San Pablo, 2013), MS degree in Computer Graphics (U-tad, 2014) and PhD degree in Computer Science (Rey Juan Carlos University, 2020) in Madrid. His studies are focused on computer graphics and data science

User characteristics on the virtual reality presence

In recent years, virtual reality has grown a lot in different areas of application, including ludic, social and research, being used by a large and growing number of users with different profiles. Presence is one of the most distinctive and important features of a virtual reality experience. The aim of this article is to study the most suitable areas of application for users and to analyze the influence of different characteristics of the user’s profile in the perceived presence. We have tested the interest applications indicated by 159 subjects and we have designed an immersive virtual reality experience, testing the behavior and performance of 48 users. The results obtained show that gender can influence the perceptual sensation of presence in these types of virtual environments.

About Jesús Mayor

Jesús Mayor is since 2019 a full-time lecturer and researcher in Politécnica de Madrid University. He received MS degree in Computer Science (CEU San Pablo, 2013), MS degree in Computer Graphics (U-tad, 2014) and PhD degree in Computer Science (Rey Juan Carlos University, 2020) in Madrid. His studies are focused on computer graphics and data science

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Welcome to my page! I will publish some curiosities and news related to my professional affairs. I hope you enjoy the technological and investigative content I will publish. 😀

About Jesús Mayor

Jesús Mayor is since 2019 a full-time lecturer and researcher in Politécnica de Madrid University. He received MS degree in Computer Science (CEU San Pablo, 2013), MS degree in Computer Graphics (U-tad, 2014) and PhD degree in Computer Science (Rey Juan Carlos University, 2020) in Madrid. His studies are focused on computer graphics and data science