Inicio » NOTICIAS » En la convocatoria de Generación del Conocimiento de 2023 se han financiado tres proyectos a profesores del departamento

En la convocatoria de Generación del Conocimiento de 2023 se han financiado tres proyectos a profesores del departamento


Breve descripción: The general goal of the project is to develop a multi-robot and multi-sensor system (of at least two robots but with capacity for more), that can monitor a person while walking or running, that merges the data obtained by the robots into a single synchronized data set, that extracts the gait parameters needed for each medical or sports application (stride, inter-ankle distance, joint signals, etc.), that improves those parameters through artificial intelligence algorithms trained with data from ground truth systems like Vicon®, and that presents the results in a form useful for therapists or trainers.

Investigadores principales: Miguel Hernando con Alberto Brunete.

  • BEATLES (StaBility-ConstrainEd OptimAl DispaTch of Low-Carbon PowEr GridS).

Breve descripción: This project addresses the current gap between the stability challenges in electricity grids dominated by power electronics, and the economic issues brought by the need to decarbonize the energy sector. By developing techno-economic simulation models for low-carbon power systems, we aim to identify the most effective ways to operate our future electricity grid and market, in order to maintain a stable supply of electricity at the lowest cost possible to consumers.

Investigador principal: Luis Badesa.

  • SoilBot (Cognitive autonomous and bioinspired robot for exploration of the soil and subsoil).

Breve descripción: Robotics for underground exploration is a relatively unexplored field of study, where we find opportunities for innovation and technical challenges. Despite significant technological advances and research in robotics, underground exploration presents challenges that have limited the development and implementation of robotic solutions.

SoilBOT is a novel concept of robot aimed to penetrate from soil to the subsoil to explore and monitor parameters, biodiversity, water quality, salt or the pollutant concentration. Based on our best knowledge, currently there is not a technology able to dynamically explore and monitor the health of the soil and subsoil. Two uses cases were proposed: exploration of the cost seabed and exploration of the lunar regolith. Both low gravity environments.

Investigadora principal: Cecilia García.

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