The IDR/UPM has the following facilities in the UPM University campus. STRAST has also their own facilities with a computing laboratory. They would be all available to the BEXUS program. A good proof of the capabilities of the Institute to meet the fabrication and testing needs are the two microsatellites, UPMSat-1 and UPMSat-2, which have been completely designed, integrated and tested in the IDR facilities.
Thermal Vacuum Chamber: Horizontal cylindrical shroud of 900 mm diameter with a 700 mm x 700 mm baseplate chamber. It is equipped with all the instrumentation needed to perform all kind of thermal tests in low pressure, such as TVT, TBT, development tests, or Bake-Out and Outgassing measurements.
Experimental Thermal Vacuum Chamber: Small thermal vacuum chamber for research activities.
CDF: The facility involves a system engineer workstation together with twelve more workstations for space mission subsystems specialists, an audio-visual distribution system with four shared screens, a server, and a videoconference system. During the last years, students from the Space Systems Master’s Degree have participated in several ESA Challenges.
Wind tunnels: IDR/UPM has a long experience in experimental aerodynamics with more than 7 wind tunnels which provides a wide range of aerodynamic tests for many engineering applications.
ISO-8 cleaning room with an ISO-5 area.