Sardinia 2015.
-GARCÍA NAVARRO, J.; DE GUZMÁN BÁEZ, A.; RODRÍGUEZ QUIJANO, M.; JIMÉNEZ RIVERO, A. Gypsum to Gypsum (GtoG): The European Life+ Project that aims to transform the gypsum waste market.
-DE GUZMÁN BÁEZ, A.; JIMÉNEZ RIVERO, A.; RODRÍGUEZ QUIJANO, M.; GARCÍA NAVARRO, J. Defining best practices Indicators for Deconstruction of Gypsum based products towards an effective Closed-loop.
World Congress & Expo on Recycling.
-GARCÍA NAVARRO, J.; DE GUZMÁN BÁEZ, A.; RODRÍGUEZ QUIJANO, M.; JIMÉNEZ RIVERO, A. Gypsum to Gypsum (GtoG): The European Life+ Project that aims to transform the gypsum waste market.
TINOS 2015.
–JIMÉNEZ RIVERO, A.; DE GUZMÁN BÁEZ, A.; RODRÍGUEZ QUIJANO, M.; GARCÍA NAVARRO, J. Gypsum recycling best practice indicators.
15th SGEM.
-RODRÍGUEZ QUIJANO, M.; JIMÉNEZ RIVERO, A.; DE GUZMÁN BÁEZ, A.; GARCÍA NAVARRO, J. Gypsum plasterboard deconstruction to recycling economic study in Europe.
-RODRÍGUEZ QUIJANO, M.; JIMÉNEZ RIVERO, A.; DE GUZMÁN BÁEZ, A.; GARCÍA NAVARRO, J. End-Of-Life of Gypsum plasterboard: European case studies analysis.
Rehab 2014
-BARRIOS PADURA, A.; BARRIOS SEVILLA, J.; GARCÍA NAVARRO, J. "Study of the foundations, bearing soil and stability of the minaret-tower of Cordoba's Mosque"
Fourth International Conference on The Constructed Environment
-GALLO, I.; GARCÍA NAVARRO, J.; FERNÁNDEZ PÉREZ, T. "The influence of Openings on Energy Demand of Buildings: Analysis of their Characteristic Parameters Using LIDER Software (Spain).
Sustainable Building & Construction Conference (SB13@Coventry).
-GALLO, I.; GONZÁLEZ DÍAZ, M.J.; GARCÍA NAVARRO, J. "A user-focused integrated system for sustainable refurbishment".
3rd international conference Central Europe towards Sustainable Building (CESB13).
-JIMÉNEZ, A.; GARCÍA NAVARRO, J.; DE GUZMÁN, A. "New composite gypsum-waste rubber from insulated tubes of pipe: characterization."
-VALDIVIESO RODRÍGUEZ, M.; GONZÁLEZ DÍAZ, M.J.; GARCÍA NAVARRO, J. "Construction cost and energy consumption resulting from energy retrofitting in an apartment building in Madrid (Spain)."
-JIMÉNEZ RIVERO, A.; DE GUZMÁN BÁEZ, A.; GARCÍA NAVARRO, J. "Gypsum – Rubber from pipe foam insulation waste recycling: Thermal performance."
I Congreso Internacional y III Nacional de Construcción Sostenible y Soluciones Eco-eficientes.
-RODRÍGUEZ QUIJANO, M.; GARCÍA NAVARRO, J. "Comparación de la certificación energética de edificios entre los países miembros de la unión europea."
International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management.
-DE GUZMÁN, A.; VILLORIA, P.; GARCÍA NAVARRO, J.; DEL RIO, M. "Waste volume estimation tool for optimizing construction and demolition waste management in railway works."
Eighth International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic & Social Sustainability.
-MARTÍNEZ, E.; REDRUELLO, I.; GONZÁLEZ, M.J.; MUENCH, S.; GARCÍA NAVARRO, J. "The Quantity of CO2 emissions in the Life Cycle of a Highway".
Third International Conference on Management of Natural Resources, Sustainable Development and Ecological Hazards, Ravage of the Planet III.
-GONZÁLEZ DÍAZ, M. J.; GARCÍA NAVARRO, J. "Anthropocentric and non-anthropocentric values as the basis of the new sustainable paradigm in Architecture".
3rd International Symposium on Environmental Management.
-VILLORIA, P.; DE GUZMÁN, A.; DEL RÍO, M.; GARCÍA NAVARRO, J. "Quantification of construction and demolition waste generated in Spanish railway projects".
World Sustainable Building Conference – SB11 Helsinki.
-ALONSO, C.; OTEIZA, I.; GARCÍA NAVARRO, J. "Environmental analysis of residential building facades through energy consumption, GHG emissions and costs".
IX Jornadas Iberoamericanas de Materiales de Construcción.
-MARTÍNEZ, E.; REDRUELLO, I.; GARCÍA NAVARRO, J. "Evaluación energética de materiales y procesos en el mantenimiento de una sección de autopista en España".
-JIMÉNEZ, A.; DE GUZMÁN, A.; GARCÍA NAVARRO, J. "Nuevos materiales de base yeso con incorporación de residuos de caucho: caracterización físico-mecánica"
1º Congresso Ibero-LatinoAmericano da Madeira na Construção – CIMAD 11.
-GOMEZ RUIZ, G.; GARCÍA NAVARRO, J. "Revisión sobre el 'estado del arte' del análisis de ciclo de vida para tableros derivados de la madera".
II Congreso Nacional de Investigación en Edificación, EUATM
-ALONSO, C.; OTEIZA, I.; GARCÍA NAVARRO, J. "Criterios para la reducción de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero en el proyecto de fachadas de edificios de viviendas".
SB10 Finland Conference: Sustainable Community – buildingSMART.
-ALONSO, C.; OTEIZA, I.; GARCÍA NAVARRO, J. "Design strategies in facades for the reduction of housing energy consumption".
-ANTUÑA ROZADO, C.; GARCÍA NAVARRO, J. "A methodology for the development of a sustainability index for construction works in Spain".
Urban Environmental Pollution Conference EXPO2010.
-GARCÍA NAVARRO, J.; GONZÁLEZ DÍAZ, M.J. "Indicator of energy efficiency applied to motorways. A first step; functional unit's LCA".
12th International Symposium on Environmental Issues and Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production SWEMP 2010.
-GARCÍA NAVARRO, J.; DE GUZMÁN, A.; CERVANTES, M. "A study on the mix design and fundamental properties of pre-cast concrete artifacts prepared with coarse and fine recycled aggregates".
Second International Conference on Management of Natural Resources, Sustainable Development and Ecological Hazards, Ravage of the Planet II.
-GONZÁLEZ DÍAZ, M. J.; GARCÍA NAVARRO, J. "Criteria and methodology for an indicator of energy applied to motorways".
1st International Conference on Construction & Building Research.
-GONZÁLEZ DÍAZ, M. J.; SIMÓN ROJO, M.; GARCÍA NAVARRO, J. "Comparison of sustainable architecture from two European countries trough indicators (The Netherlands and Spain)".
Conferencia Internacional 2009 Minería Sostenible.
-MAESTRO MARTÍNEZ, L.; GARCÍA NAVARRO, J. "Sustainable Construction Model for Rehabilitation and Protection of environmentally fragile and degraded areas: Laciana Valley".