Ponencias 2013

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26 – 28 de Junio

Praga – República Checa

3rd international conference Central Europe towards Sustainable Building (CESB13). ISBN: 978-80-247-5015-6.

JIMÉNEZ, A.; GARCÍA NAVARRO, J.; DE GUZMÁN, A. "New composite gypsum-waste rubber from insulated tubes of pipe: characterization." 

Abstract: The aim of this research work is to study the recycling potential of waste rubber coming from pipe foam insulation by adding it to a gypsum matrix. An experimental plan has been elaborated in order to characterize its density, flexure strength and compression strength. Four particle size waste rubber (1-2 mm, 2-4 mm, 4-6mm and 20-30mm), and different rates of waste rubber addition (1.25 %; 2.50 %; 5.00 % and 7.50 %) have been analyzed. This addition may contribute to manufacture a low density – environmentally friendly material. 