Understanding the myriad aspects of wheat production, transformation, and utilization is of utmost importance in shaping diets worldwide. This workshop offers a valuable opportunity for researchers in this field to exchange experiences, establish connections, and explore collaborations to address the challenges facing global wheat crops. Since the global disruptions to travel and face-to-face meetings, it is even more crucial for us to come together and create a friendly and open academic environment.
We are confident that this long-awaited meeting will provide an excellent platform for researchers studying all aspects of gluten and wheat quality.
The commitment to increase the internationalization of the 14th IGW has been accomplished with contributions from 29 countries. We continue to advocate for diversity and equality in research including through a Women in Wheat breakout session. The excellence of the conference will be underscored by a reflective session dedicated to the late Craig Morris. During this tribute, different speakers will summarize
the great work Craig did in different areas over the years, the impact of his research, and the current research opportunities that have been enabled by his discoveries.
Lastly, we would like to express our appreciation to all the participants and authors whose research has contributed to creating such a high-quality scientific program.
The XIV International Gluten Workshop co-chairs:
Patricia Giraldo & Gilberto Igrejas
19-21 June 2023. Madrid.

Special Session: The Future of Bread and Bakery
Bread artisans Miguel Ángel Castro @marea_bread and Beatriz Echeverría @elhornodebabette, discussed and shared their visions on the topic, followed by an open forum with the workshop attendees and a wonderful bread tasting.

Women in Wheat Quality Coffee
Following Women in Crop Science and Women In Wheat initiatives, we had a dedicated space and time during the XIV IGW. Kick-started by Alison Lovegrove and Itria Ibba sharing their joys and difficulties as a woman in research, female colleagues in all career stages mingled.
Press coverage
AETC: http://www.aetc.es/el-xiv-international-gluten-workshop-reune-a-expertos-de-mas-de-30-paises/
Revista Alimentaria: https://revistaalimentaria.es/industria/servicios/madrid-acogera-la-xiv-edicion-del-international-gluten-workshop
Agro.com https://profesionalagro.com/noticias/arranca-la-xiv-edicion-del-international-gluten-workshop.html
EWG Wheat Initiative: https://www.wheatinitiative.org/new-events/xiv-international-gluten-worshop
Scientific Committee
We heartily thank the members of the Scientific Committee for their invaluable advice and assistance: Alison Lovegrove, Angela Juhasz, Bárbara Laddomada, Carlos Guzmán, Catherine Grand-Ravel, Eva Johansson, Heinrich Grausgruber, Marcelo Helguera, Maria Itria Ibba, Maryke Labuschagne, Tatsuya Ikeda, and Zhonghu He.
Organizing Commitee
Elena Benavente, Laura Pascual, Estela Giménez, Marina Martinez, and Carla Guijarro, as well as the dedicated students who have contributed their time and skills to the organization. We gratefully acknowledge the financial support for the workshop provided by the Fundación Premio Arce and technical assistance by Agrifood Comunicación.
Outreach article journal PAN: (Spanish) PAN y CIENCIA. Madrid acoge la 14.ª edición del Internacional Gluten Workshop. ISSN 2445-3609-16. 31/10/2023

The XIV International Gluten Workshop
19-21 June 2023
Rafael Hoteles Atocha