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2020 – 2025


Bouabdellah, N., Pascual, L., Giraldo, P., & Ruiz, M. (2025). Impact of quantitative and qualitative Glutenin Variation on wheat quality within a similar genetic background. Journal of Cereal Science, 104125.

Guijarro-Real, C., Martín-Lammerding, D., Giraldo, P., Benavente, E., & Ruiz, M. (2025). Environmental clues for yield performance and stability of Spanish bread wheat landraces. Field Crops Research, 322, 109729.


Bouabdellah, N., Chacón, E., Benavente, E., Ruiz, M., Giraldo, P., & Pascual, L. (2024).
Image-assisted quantification of high and low molecular weight glutenin fractions in wheat by SDS-PAGE.
Journal of Cereal Science, vol 118, 103977

M. Martínez-García, A. Espí, P. Giraldo, L. Pascual, E. Benavente, M. López-Fernández y E. Giménez.  (2024) Diseño y puesta a punto de un Escape Room de Genética. Libro de actas del I Congreso en Innovación Docente de las Universidades Madrileñas:MadrID. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 3 y 4 de octubre de 2024.pág. 119 a 125. URI

Yannam, V. R. R., Soriano J.M., Chozas, A., Guzmán, C., Lopes, M. S. & Giraldo, P. (2024). Genetic variability for end-use quality proteins in a collection of bread wheat Mediterranean landraces. Journal of Cereal Science, Vol 119. 104002.

López-Fernández, M., Chozas, A., Benavente, E., Alonso-Rueda, E., y Sánchez, J. I., Pascual, L., & Giraldo, P. (2024). Genome wide association mapping of end-use gluten properties in bread wheat landraces (Triticum aestivum L.). Journal of Cereal Science, 103956.

Igrejas, G., & Giraldo, P. (2024). The international GLUTEN workshop in its PRIME: 1980-2023. Journal of Cereal Science, 103898.

Kozub, N., Pascual, L., Sobko, T., Chebotar, S., & Metakovsky, E. (2024). Genotypes of common wheat cultivars Bredin south Ukraine can be easily distinguished from any other wheat genotypes. Journal of Cereal Science117, 103916.

Shin N, Lascarez-Lagunas LI, Henderson AL, Martínez-García M, Karthikraj R, Barrera V, Sui SH, Kannan K, Colaiácovo MP (2024) Altered gene expression linked to germline dysfunction following exposure of Caenorhabditis elegans to DEET. iScience. 2024 Mar 22;27(4):109529.


Pascual, L., Solé-Medina, A., Faci, I. et al. Development and marker-trait relationships of functional markers for glutamine synthetase GS1 and GS2 homoeogenes in bread wheat. Mol Breeding 43, 8 (2023).

Martinez-Garcia M, Naharro PR, Skinner MW, et al.. GRAS-1 is a novel regulator of early meiotic chromosome dynamics in C. elegans. PLoS Genet. 2023 Feb 21;19(2):e1010666. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1010666.

Lascarez-Lagunas LI, Martinez-Garcia M, Nadarajan S, Diaz-Pacheco BN, Berson E, Colaiácovo MP. Chromatin landscape, DSB levels, and cKU-70/80 contribute to patterning of meiotic DSB processing along chromosomes in C. elegans. PLoS Genet. 2023 Jan 27;19(1):e1010627. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1010627

Diaz-Bárcena, A., & Giraldo, P. (2023). Exploring the research evolution of Papaver somniferum and Cannabis sativa: A bibliometric comparative analysis. Industrial Crops and Products, 203, 117143.

López-Fernández, M., García-Abadillo, J., Uauy, C., Ruiz, M., Giraldo, P., Pascual, P. (2023) Genome wide association in Spanish bread wheat landraces identifies six key genomic regions that constitute potential targets for improving grain yield related traits. Theoretical and Applied Genetics  136:244. 10.1007/s00122-023-04492-x

Diaz-Bárcena, A., Fernandez-Pacios L., Giraldo, P. (2023). Structural characterization and molecular dynamics study of the REPI fusion protein from Papaver somniferum L. Biomolecules 14 (1), 2.


Láscarez-Lagunas, L.I., Nadarajan, S., Martinez-Garcia, M., Quinn, J.N., Todisco, E., Thakkar, T., Berson, E., Eaford, D., Crawley, O., Montoya, A., et al. (2022). ATM/ATR kinases link the synaptonemal complex and DNA double-strand break repair pathway choice. Current Biology, S0960982222014038. 10.1016/j.cub.2022.08.081.

Láscarez-Lagunas, L. I., Martinez-Garcia, M. & Colaiácovo, M.P. (2022) Loss, Gain, and Retention: Mechanisms Driving Late Prophase I Chromosome Remodeling for Accurate Meiotic Chromosome Segregation. Genes13(3), 546;

Castañeda, L., Giménez, E., Pineda, B., García-Sogo, B., Ortinz-Atienza, A., Micol-Ponce, R., Angosto, T., Capel, J., Moreno, V., Yuste-Lisbona, F. & Lozano, R. (2022) Tomato CRABS CLAW paralogues interact with chromatin remodelling factors to mediate carpel development and floral determinacy. New Phytologist.

Martínez-Moreno, F., Giraldo, P., Nieto, C. & Ruiz, M. (2022). Resistance to Leaf and Yellow Rust in a Collection of Spanish Bread Wheat Landraces and Association with Ecogeographical Variables. Agronomy. 12, 187.


Ruiz, M & Giraldo P. (2021). The influence of allelic variability of prolamins on gluten quality in durum wheat: An overview. Journal of Cereal Science.

Jimenez-Montenegro, L., Lopez-Fernandez, M., & Gimenez, E. (2021). Worldwide Research on the Ozone Influence in Plants. Agronomy11(8), 1504.

Martínez-Moreno, F., Giraldo, P., Cátedra MDM., Ruiz, M. (2021). Evaluation of Leaf Rust Resistance in the Spanish Core Collection of Tetraploid Wheat Landraces and Association with Ecogeographical Variables. Agriculture, 11(4), 277. doi:10.3390/plants10040620.

Metakovsky, E., Melnik, V., Pascual, L., & Wrigley, C. W. (2021). Some intra-varietal non-uniformities in Triticum aestivum can be explained as repeated spontaneous mutations at the Gli loci. Journal of Cereal Science100, 103243.

López-Fernández, M., Pascual, L., Faci, I., Fernández, M., Ruiz, M., Benavente, E., Giraldo, P. (2021). Exploring the End-Use Quality Potential of a Collection of Spanish Bread Wheat Landraces. Plants, 10(4), 62. doi:10.3390/plants10040620

Giménez, E., Benavente, E., Pascual, L., García-Sampedro, A., López-Fernández, M., Vázquez, J. F., Giraldo, P. (2021). An F2 Barley Population as a Tool for Teaching Mendelian Genetics. Plants, 10 (4), 694. doi: 10.3390/plants10040694

Benavente, E., Giménez, E. (2021). Modern Approaches for the Genetic Improvement of Rice, Wheat and Maize for Abiotic Constraints-Related Traits: A Comparative Overview. Agronomy, 11(2), 37.

Matallana-González, M. C., Callejo, M. J., Carrillo, J. M., Morales, P., & Fernández-Ruiz, V. (2021). Durum and Bread Wheat Flours. Preliminary Mineral Characterization and Its Potential Health Claims. Agronomy, 11(1), 108.

Metakovsky, E., Pascual, L., Vaccino, P., Melnik, V., Rodriguez-Quijano, M., Popovych, Y., … & Rogers, W. J. (2021). Heteroalleles in Common Wheat: Multiple Differences between Allelic Variants of the Gli-B1 Locus. International journal of molecular sciences22(4), 1832.

Martinez-Garcia, M., White, C.I., Franklin, F.C.H. & Sanchez-Moran, E. (2021). The Role of Topoisomerase II in DNA Repair and Recombination in Arabidopsis thaliana. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 22(23), 13115;

Perez-Fernandez, C., Morales-Navas, M., Guardia-Escote, L., Colomina, M. T., Gimenez, E. & Sanchez-Santed, F. Neurotoxicology Pesticides and Aging: preweaning exposure to Chlorpyrifos induces a general hypomotricity state in late-adult rats. Neurotoxicology. 86, pp. 69 – 77. 2021. ISSN 0161-813X


Arrones, A.,Vilanova, S., Plazas, M., Mangino, G., Pascual, L., Díez, MJ., Prohens, J. & Gramazio. P.The Dawn of the Age of Multi-Parent MAGIC Populations in Plant Breeding: Novel Powerful Next-Generation Resources for Genetic Analysis and Selection of Recombinant Elite Material. Biology. 9, 229. 2020.

Perez-Fernandez, C., Morales-Navas, M., Aguilera-Sáez, L.M, Abreu, A.C., Guardia-Escote, L., Fernández, I., Garrido-Cárdenas, J.A., Colomina, M.T., Giménez, E., Sánchez-Santed, F. Medium and long-term effects of low doses of Chlorpyrifos during the postnatal, preweaning developmental stage on sociability, dominance, gut microbiota and plasma metabolites. Environmental Research 2020, 184, 109341.

Perez-Fernandez, C., Morales-Navas, M., Guardia-escote, L., Garrido-Cardenas, J.A., Colomina, M.T.,Gimenez, E., Sanchez-Santed, F. Long-term effects of low doses of Chlorpyrifos exposure at the preweaning developmental stage: A locomotor, pharmacological, brain gene expression and gut microbiome analysis. Food and Chemical Toxicology 2020, 135, 110865.

Rios, M. B., Iriondo-DeHond, A., Iriondo-DeHond, M., Herrera, T., Velasco, D., Gómez-Alonso, S., Callejo MJ & del Castillo, M. D. (2020). Effect of Coffee Cascara Dietary Fiber on the Physicochemical, Nutritional and Sensory Properties of a Gluten-Free Bread Formulation. Molecules, 25(6), 1358.

Pascual, L., Fernández, M., Aparicio, N., López-Fernández M., Giraldo, P., M., Ruiz. Development of a multipurpose core collection of bread wheat based on high-throughput genotyping data. Agronomy 2020, 10, 534.

Patricia Giraldo, Magdalena Ruiz, M. Itria Ibba, Craig Morris, Maryke Labuschagne, Gilberto Igrejas. Durum wheat storage protein composition, the role of LMW-Gs in quality. Capítulo 4 del libro “Wheat Quality For Improving Processing And Human Health”. Eds. Carlos Guzmán, Tatsuya Ikeda, Gilberto Igrejas. Editorial Springer Nature Switzerland AG2020. ISBN 978-3-030-34162-6.

Gerard Branlard, Patricia Giraldo, Zhonghu He, Gilberto Igrejas, Tatsuya Ikeda, Michela Janni, Marike Labuschagne, Daowen Wang, Barend Wentzel, Kunpu Zhan. Contribution of Genetic Resources and Protein Composition to Wheat Quality. Capítulo 4 del libro “Wheat Quality For Improving Processing And Human Health”. Eds. Carlos Guzmán, Tatsuya Ikeda, Gilberto Igrejas. Editorial Springer Nature Switzerland AG2020. ISBN 978-3-030-34162-6.

Ciudad-Mulero, M., Barros, L., Fernandes, Â., Ferreira, I., Callejo, M. J., Matallana-González, M. C., Fernández-Ruiz, V., Morales, P., Carrillo, J. M. (2020). Potential Health Claims of Durum and Bread Wheat Flours as Functional Ingredients. Nutrients, 12(2), 504.

Chacón, E. A., Vázquez, F. J., Giraldo, P., Carrillo, J. M., Benavente, E., Rodríguez-Quijano, M. (2020). Allelic variation for prolamins in Spanish durum wheat landraces and its relationship with quality traits. Agronomy, 10(1), 136.

Pascual, L., Ruiz, M., López-Fernández, M., Pérez-Peña, H., Benavente, E., Vázquez, J. F., Sansaloni, C., Giraldo, P. (2020). Genomic analysis of Spanish wheat landraces reveals their variability and potential for breeding. BMC Genomics, 21(1), 122. doi:10.1186/s12864-020-6536-x

Mérida-García, R., Gálvez, S, M., Paux, E., Dorado, G., Pacual, L., Giraldo, P. Hernández, P. (2020). High Resolution Melting and Insertion Site-Based Polymorphism markers for wheat variability assessment and candidate genes selection at drought and heat MQTL loci. Agronomy, 10, 1294. doi:10.3390/agronomy10091294

Benavente E, Giménez E, Giraldo P, López-Fernández M, Pascual L, Ruiz M, Vázquez FJ (2020) Las variedades locales españolas de trigo: un valioso recurso para la mejora genética del cultivo.Tierras-Agricultura, vol 287, pp 66-69.

Popovych, Y., Chebotar, S., Melnik, V., Rodriguez-Quijano, M., Pascual, L., Rogers, W. J., & Metakovsky, E. (2020). Congruity of the Polymorphisms in the Expressed and Noncoding Parts of the Gli-B1 Locus in Common Wheat. Agronomy10(10), 1510.

Metakovsky, E., Melnik, V., Pascual, L., & Wrigley, C. W. (2020). Over 40% of 450 registered wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum) worldwide are composed of multiple biotypes. Journal of Cereal Science96, 103088.

Perez-Fernandez, C., Morales-Navas, M., Guardia-Escote, L., Colomina, M. T., Gimenez, E. & Sanchez-Santed, F. Postnatal exposure to low doses of Chlorpyrifos induces longterm effects on 5C-SRTT learning and performance, cholinergic and GABAergic systems and BDNF expression. Experimental Neurology. 330 – 113356, 2020. ISSN 0014-4886