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Archivos mensuales: febrero 2021


  • La División de Políticas de Agricultura y Recursos de la OCDE está buscando uno o posiblemente más economistas agrícolas, para analizar una amplia gama de políticas que afectan el desempeño de la agricultura y la alimentación. 
  • Los candidatos seleccionados harán una contribución estratégica a las prioridades analíticas de la División, así como a contribuir a las prioridades corporativas y las demás responsabilidades de la Dirección. 
  • El candidato seleccionado reportará al Jefe de División.  


About Empleo ETSIAAB

Publicación realizada por la Oficina de Empleo de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronómica, Alimentaria y de Biosistemas (ETSIAAB)


  • La Dirección de Comercio y Agricultura de la OCDE busca un Analista de Políticas Comerciales Agrícolas para participar en proyectos relacionados con el seguimiento y análisis de políticas comerciales agrícolas. 
  • El candidato seleccionado contribuirá a estudios analíticos que examinen las políticas comerciales agrícolas, en particular las medidas sanitarias y fitosanitarias, las restricciones a la exportación y las medidas en frontera y cadenas de valor globales (CGV). 
  • El trabajo incluirá una combinación de análisis cuantitativo, investigación y redacción de políticas orientadas y recopilación de datos. 
  • Trabajará bajo la dirección del Jefe de División de Comercio y Mercados Agroalimentarios de la Dirección de Comercio y Agricultura (TAD / ATM).


About Empleo ETSIAAB

Publicación realizada por la Oficina de Empleo de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronómica, Alimentaria y de Biosistemas (ETSIAAB)


Young scientist position:

The Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement – LSCE – is looking for a motivated postdoc / young scientist for a project focused on the simulation of crop yields in Europe for future climate conditions, given different scenarios for irrigation water appropriation. Work will be performed in collaboration with researchers of the CLAND Convergence Institute.


The choice of cultivating winter versus summer crops in Europe is generally viewed from a yield and farmer’s revenues maximization perspective. This may change under future climate conditions in the light of increasing water demand by plants, giving rise to greater requirements for irrigation water during critical periods. If today winter crops are not frequently irrigated in northern and central Europe, the situation may change rapidly with an increasing frequency and severity of spring and summer droughts. In principle, winter crops should be better adapted to drought because during their maximum of growth in spring, soil moisture deficits tend to be less severe than in summer. Yet these crops may also require irrigation in the future in regions where they are rainfed today.
On the other hand, future increases in temperature will lead to shorter crop cycle durations, potentially offering an opportunity to harvest two crops in the same year by planting a summer crop just after harvesting a winter crop in mid to late spring. This new type of double cropping could increase European agricultural production, but its impact on annual water requirements has not yet been quantified.

Overall aim:

The successful candidate will explore the water requirements needed to keep high yields for different climate scenarios, and the benefits of growing summer vs winter crops to sustain yields while minimizing irrigation water requirements. The work will enrich the development of the ORCHIDEE-CROP model by simulating the water requirements to keep high yields for winter and summer crops in Europe, optimize agricultural land allocation between summer and spring crops, while limiting as much as possible irrigation water withdrawals. The impacts of double cropping (two harvests per year) on production and water use will be explored as well. The research will include an improved parameterization of soy and tuber crops as well as the calibration of the model against eddy covariance measurements and yield data, with a focus on France and Western Europe. Ultimately, this work will provide biophysical inputs for socio-economic assessments using, e.g., the Nexus Land Use global socio-economic model.


  • Programming skills, preferably in Fortran / Python.
  • Understanding of plant physiology, preferably for crops.
  • Interest and motivation in modeling

Selection Criteria:

  • PhD in modeling / preferably crop modeling.
  • Demonstrated experience working with complex codes.
  • Autonomy, ability to work in a team and time management skills.
  • Experienced in multidisciplinary team-based activities with the ability to effectively communicate with colleagues and with staff from the partners of a project.

What LSCE can offer you:

LSCE is an established, world-class research laboratory, representing a collaboration between CEA, CNRS and the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin (UVSQ). It is part of the Institute Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL). LSCE hosts approximately 300 researchers, engineers and administrative staff including many PhD and master’s students. This project will provide the employee with the opportunity to work directly on advanced methods with researchers from the LSCE and other institutions.

Location: Laboratoire des Science du Climat et de l’Environnement ( located about 20 km from the heart of Paris in the Orme des Merisiers green area.

Contract duration:Up to 24 months
Starting date:The position is available from Jan 2021 and will remain open until filled
Salary:Competitive salary with full social and health benefits, commensurate with work experience
How to apply:Applicants should submit a complete application package by email. The application package should include (1) a curriculum vitae including most important recent publications, (2) statement of motivation, (3) answers to the selection criteria above, (4) names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of at least two references.

About Empleo ETSIAAB

Publicación realizada por la Oficina de Empleo de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronómica, Alimentaria y de Biosistemas (ETSIAAB)



  • Seeking outstanding individual to assist with research and project management in the Agroecology and Environment research lab at ISARA.
  • The position is located in Lyon with strong interaction with a grower network in France and with scientist in France, Europe and North America.
    Research aim to identify interest and test management practice for perennial grain (e.g. seeding operations, enhanced row spacing and competition with weeds, better nutrient management treatment, etc.) suited to local conditions and farmers type by comparing it to a standard farmer practice across several farmers’ fields.
  • The candidate will manage CERPET on-farm research, coordinate experiment, manage and analyze data, write articles and reports, support communication activities, and assist with fieldwork including soil, crop, and weed sampling and sample processing.
  • The candidate will interact with research community.


  • Successful candidates must have a PhD degree in Agronomy, Agroecology or related discipline. Strong analytical and scientific writing skills are required.
  • Interpersonal skills and ability to work effectively with farmers and scientist, capacity to collect date from on-farm trials, participatory approach are essential.
  • Interest and experience in agroecology, climate change adaptation and mitigation, perennial agriculture are desirable.
  • You are bilingual French and English


  • Position is initially a 18 months, full-time appointment, with the option and expectation for extension contingent on funding, available work, and successful performance.
  • The position is anticipated to start on March 2021.


  • Applicants should submit a short cover letter, curriculum vitae, contact information for three references and a research statement.
  • Applications will be evaluated starting December 20, 2020 and continue until position is filled.
  • Applications to send to :
  • For more information, contact: Christophe DAVID (
  • Applications will be evaluated starting December 20, 2020 and continue until position is filled.

About Empleo ETSIAAB

Publicación realizada por la Oficina de Empleo de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronómica, Alimentaria y de Biosistemas (ETSIAAB)


Postdoctoral Research Fellow based in Montpellier, France

Location                     LEPSE – INRAE, Institut Agro, Montpellier, France
Lab Website      
Date of HireAs soon as possible
Duration                     18 Months
Gross annual salary42,672 – 49,248 € (commensurate with experience and qualification)

Job Description

INRAE is seeking an outstanding, motivated candidate for a position of Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in plant ecophysiology to work as part of the H2020 SolACE and EPPN200 projects. Through these projects a genetic panel of both bread and durum wheat has been extensively phenotyped in high-throughput phenotyping platforms in controlled environment and semi-field conditions. By analyzing this large dataset you will study the phenotypic plasticity of wheat tillering under contrasted scenarios of water deficit.

In addition to giving new insight regarding the physiological responses of wheat to chronic drought and rewatering, your research will allow a generic approach of parameterization of crop growth models for bread and durum wheat and will identify potential sources of improvement of wheat adaptation and resilience to drought. You will conduct your research in close collaboration with another Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in applied mathematics and artificial intelligence who will develop methods for time-series analyses of in situ 3D images to characterize the evolution of the spatial structure of plants over time.

 As a postdoctoral researcher, you will be led to:

  • Develop and evaluate phenomic methods to quantify traits related to cereal shoot expansion and architecture.
  • Analyze the links and trade-offs between the components of shoot expansion (leaf appearance rate, individual leaf expansion, and tillering) and their sensitivities to water deficit.
  • Carry out multivariate analyses on physiological traits to define the structure of the genetic diversity of wheat shoot expansion and its response to water deficit (phenotypic space) that maximizes the genetic variability to water and nitrogen deficit.
  • Write and publish articles in peer-reviewed journals.


The position is open at the Laboratory for Plant Ecophysiology under Environmental Stress (LEPSE) of the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE). You will join a multi-disciplinary group of plant ecophysiologists, modelers, geneticists, and computer scientists. You will have access to state of the art laboratory, experimental, and computer facilities. Montpellier is a city of 270,000 ideally located in the south of France, on the Mediterranean sea. With over 3,000 researchers, Montpellier is the largest European center for plant sciences and agronomy.

Education and Experience Requirements

  • PhD degree in plant ecophysiology, phenomics, modeling or a closely related field.
  • Experience with handling large, multi-source and multi-scale datasets and analyses of experimental data.
  • Proficiency in R or Python programming is highly desirable.
  • Proven record of research publications in peer-reviewed international journals.
  • Willingness to collaborate with others as part of a multi-disciplinary research team.
  • Proficiency in spoken and written English.

Application conditions

Candidate of any nationality may apply. The candidates must have doctoral degree at recruitment date (French doctorate, PhD or foreign doctorate of equivalent level) for less than five years.

How to apply

To apply you should submit a letter of interest, complete curriculum vitae with a list of publications, the names and addresses (including telephone and email) of three referees who are knowledgeable about the applicant’s professional qualifications and work experience.

For further information and to apply, please contact Dr Pierre Martre ( and Dr. Boris Parent ( Applications will be received until a suitable candidate is found.

About Empleo ETSIAAB

Publicación realizada por la Oficina de Empleo de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronómica, Alimentaria y de Biosistemas (ETSIAAB)