First race “No dejar a nadie atrás”

Organised by: UPM, INEF, EELISA, and Global Challenge
“The 2030 agenda is more than a list of tasks to be accomplished, it is the definition of what we will be or what we will have missed out on”. David López Rohde. Student of ETSII, UPM._
¡¡Tick, tock, tick, tock!!
It is already October 2022, and in less than 8 years, 17 goals and 169 targets should be achieved. We are talking about the 2030 Agenda, which encompasses all the major challenges we face as humanity. So far, the projections are bad, for the planet and for people, and indicate that at this rate the SDGs will not be met because although some have advanced, many others have been left behind.
#SomosUPM. The UPM is already in place, leading the EELISA Alliance (European Alliance for Innovation in Science and Engineering Education), which aims to define a European engineer who is recognisable both for his or her technical competence and understanding of societal challenges.
Young people, often full of anger and sadness for all the barriers along the way, but many others with hope and commitment, are looking for a sustainable future. That is why a group of UPM students (#NoSoloIngeniería) have organised the 1st NON COMPETITIVE RACE NO DEJAR A NADIE A NADIE A NADIE A NADIE A NADIE A ATRAS, to demand and support an education that can truly serve as a lever to promote the SDGs and be on time for 2030.
Who inspires us? In Vallecas, the El árbol sports club has been organising a cooperative race for more than 30 years.
Do I have to be fit to do the race? Nooooo… you can run, walk, go with children, with parents, with pets, adapted for reduced mobility… We want a fully inclusive race because all people are important to support transformative education.
Sin presión por ganar, correr por la universidad, por los estudiantes, por las familias y amigxs, por encontrarse, por divertirse…
No pressure to win, to run for the university, for the students, for the families and friends, to meet each other, to have fun…
Date and Time: 23 October – 11:00-13:00 (bib pick-up at 10:00)
You can invite whoever you want… There will be prizes and lots of surprises!
Location: Metro Ciudad Universitaria (Línea 6)
More information:
Race registration:
*Enter the form and choose an SDG and a goal for your bib. Remember that you can go as fast as you want, because in this race we all win.
If you can’t come, join us virtually to support the movement for transformative education:
*Share the initiative.
*This proposal aimed at university students is included in the #GlobalChallenge programme, promoted by ONGAWA and the UPM, within the framework of the EELISA alliance (European Engineering Learning Innovation and Science Alliance), and is supported by the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation.
Green Planet Selected Proposal under the first EELISA Joint Call for Inter-Institutional Activities
International seminars on urban mobility, gamification events to enhance knowledge and awareness of the circular economy, activities to boost sustainability transformation, or an initiative to join forces between BAUHAUS initiatives across Europe, are just some of the proposals that will receive funding from the first EELISA Call for Joint inter-institutional Activities in Communities. Among many proposals, we are proud to announce that Green Planet Community’s project has been selected.
Link to this news :
Green Planet’s project:

Creation and start-up of a Multidisciplinary Territorial Information System for the proposal of activities within the framework of the projects: “Bosque Metropolitano (Metropolitan Forest)” and “Barrios Productores” (Producer Neighborhoods) (Madrid City Council)
Link to “Bosque Metropolitano” webpage:
Doctoral Thesis Survey on Art and Engineering
In the context of a doctoral thesis in the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid we encourage your collaboration to answer the following survey about Art and Engineering. It will take no more than 10 minutes and it is a confidential and anonymus survey.
Link to the survey:

Oral Presentation
Alicia Palacios will have an oral presentation on Friday 29 of October about the new agents and technological services in the European satellite space framework:
We have three new international partners joined to Green Planet:
Anamaria Radoi from the University Politehnica of Bucharest.
Behçet Uğur Töreyin from the İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi. Luca Sebastiani from the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna of Pisa.
We have two scholarship recipients joined to Green Planet:
- Rossana Tornel Vázquez who is working with Eva Iglesias in the CEIGRAM.
- Sara Brinquis Fava who is working with Margarita Ruíz in the CEIGRAM.
We have two new people hired by the OTT collaborating in the proto-community:
- Víctor Cicuéndez, who will have his office at the ETSI Montes, Forestal y del Medio Natural. He will perform coordination support tasks. He is available to the entire proto-community through the mail:
- Antonia Pavel, who will work under the supervision of Professor Daniel Garijo from the Department of Artificial Intelligence.