University staff and processes​

Cases related to building capacity and ownership for education for SDGs among faculty members and university staff, and creating internal structures and processes to support its implementation.

Case studies to integrate and promote global issues in STEM education

Case studies to integrate and promote global issues in STEM education Description Institution Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya Organizations/areas of the university involved Research Group “Engineering Sciences and Global Development” (EScGD), Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC); Escola de Cultura de Pau (School for a Culture of Peace), Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB) Country Spain More information… […]

SDGLab Campus UAM

SDGLab Campus UAM Description Institution UNIVERSIDAD AUTONOMA DE MADRID Organizations/areas of the university involved Sustainability Policy, Operations, Teaching and Research, Community Outreach Country Spain More information… In the month of May of 2018, the Vice-Rector for Campus and Sustainability and the Vice-Rector for Institutional Relations, Social Responsibility and Culture of the Autonomous University of Madrid […]

CityAdapt: Partnerships with Universities for Long-term SDG Monitoring

A long-term research programme within university research institutions to monitor the benefits of the implemented urban Ecosystem-based Adaptation interventions in Mexico, El Salvador and Jamaica.
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The formation of the university community as a first step for the contribution to the SDGs. The case of Universitat Politècnica de València.

The formation of the university community as a first step for the contribution to the SDGs. The case of Universitat Politècnica de València. Description Institution Universitat Politècnica de València Organizations/areas of the university involved Environmental Unit Institute of Education Sciences UFASU Centre for Development Cooperation Country Spain More information… The UPV assumed the integration of […]

Innovation in Engineering and Methods Courses: Action research and service learning for just sustainabilities

Working with interdisciplinary, multi-generational participants from government and citizens' organizations, our Living Laboratory approach teaches contents, methods and hands-on learning as students develop solutions for pressing sustainability challenges.
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Sustainable Development and Green and Digital Enterprises Innovations

This initiative is focusing on research and study programs on Green and Digital concepts towards gender- WOMEN AND YOUTHS empowerment for sustainable poverty, extreme hunger, climate change and social injustices eradication. It highlights areas of gender friendly Green and Digital Enterprises Innovations for sustainable living and development.

Collaborative online international learning (COIL) as a timely equity-sensitive strategy of higher education internationalisation@home in post-pandemic times: a case study from the Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa

Collaborative online international learning (COIL) as a timely equity-sensitive strategy of higher education internationalisation@home in post-pandemic times: a case study from the Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa
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