Introducing the SDG on the educators training plan. Short course on how to introduce SDGs in lectures.



Organizations/areas of the university involved

Área de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (ACOIDE) of the University of Cantabria


The aim of the short course was to provide lecturers with tools and resources to introduce the SDGs in their classes.
The SDGs framework was taken into consideration due to the fact that despite having lecturers in UC willing to include the SDGs in their classes, they do not have the tools or resources to be able to embed them in.
The course´s objective was to show lecturers the context where the Agenda 2030 lies on and share good practices from other universities and education institutions who already include SDGs in their classes.

Results and impact measured or expected

The results expected for this action were to get more lecturers including SDGs in their field of domain and especially in their classes. Therefore, improving the students knowledge and awareness about the SDGs and on how to contribute in achieving them in their future career.

Results and impact measured or expected

The SDGs are explicitly addressed in the course, being the main issue of study. Besides that, this is a training course for lecturers from a wide variety of fields to train students on SDGs, and therefore it addresses specifically the SDG 4.7 ( By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development…) and the SDG 17.14 (Enhance policy coherence for sustainable development)

Barriers and follow up

Lecturers not knowing the SDG or not seeing the value of the course

Updated June 2020 by Adelina Calvo