Biel and DORIS interviewed at SER channel

Manuel Ferre and Biel Alvarado interviewed at the radio studies, in the frame of RoboCity, and exhibition which shows wits created by RobocCity 2030 consortium. They had as exceptional company Doris robot (see UPM news).

How will be future robots? And our future beside the robots? Will machines be able to replace humans in some fileds? This and other questions were answered by Manuel Ferre, director of the Center for Automation and Robotics (UPM- CSIC) and Biel Alvarado, young researcher of the Intelligent Control Group at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) at Ser radio.

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UPM researchers arrived radio studios with the social robot Doris, created at the High School of Industrial Engineering, to participate in the program The Window directed by Carles Francino. Inside the slot "The Quantum Traveller", they talk about RoboCity 2016, an event celebrated at UPM to show the last wits created by RoboCity 2030 consortium.

How will infuence robots development in labor world, what professional opportunities will offer robotics or to what extent the mechanical devices may get to "think" like humans or even "reprogrammed" were other aspects discussed in the interview.

In this link you can see the video of the interview and listen to the full audio.

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