Publicaciones recientes / Recent Publications
Libros / Books
Willaarts, Bárbara A., Alberto Garrido, Lucia De Stefano, M. Ramón Llamas. Seguridad hídrica y alimentaria en América Latina y el Caribe. Implicaciones regionales y globales. Fundación Botín. 2014 (ISBN: 978-84-15469-37-7). Madrid.
Garrido, A., Brümmer , B., M'Barek, R., Meuwissen, M., Morales-Opazo, C. (Eds). Agricultural Markets Instability Revisiting the Recent Food Crises. Routledge. 2016.
Willaarts, B.A; De la Rúa, C; Cabal, H; Garrido, A; Lechon, Y (2016). El Nexo Agua-Tierra-Energía. Fundación Canal Isabel II, Madrid
Garrido, A. and Rabi, A. (2016). Managing Water in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities. Proceedings of the 8th Rosenberg International Forum in Water Policy. University of California. Oakland.
Karen G. Villholth, Elena Lopez-Gunn, Jac Van Der Gun, Kirstin Conti, Alberto Garrido. (2017). Advances in Groundwater Governance. CRC. Taylor and Francis, in press.
Artículos /Articles
- Rey, D., J. Calatrava, A. Garrido (2015).Optimization of water procurement decisions in an irrigation district: the role of option contracts. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, APR 2015.DOI: 10.1111/1467-8489.12110
- Rey, D., J. Calatrava, A. Garrido 2015. Comparison of different water supply risk management tools for irrigators: option contracts and insurance. Environmental and Resource Economics, 10.1007/s10640-015-9912-2
- Salmoral, G. Willaarts, B. Troch, P. Garrido, A. 2015. Drivers influencing streamflow changes in the Upper Turia Basin, Spain. Science of the Total Environment, Volumes 503–504, 15 January 2015, Pages 258–268
- Flachsbarth I, Willaarts B, Xie H, Pitois G, Mueller ND, Ringler, C., Garrido A (2015) The Role of Latin America’s Land and Water Resources for Global Food Security: Environmental Trade-Offs of Future Food Production Pathways. PLoS ONE 10(1): e0116733. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0116733
- Chico, Daniel, Antonio D. Santiago, Alberto Garrido (2015) Increasing efficiency in ethanol production: Water footprint and economic productivity of sugarcane ethanol under 8 irrigation levels in Northeastern Brazil. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research Vol 13, No 2 (2015)
- Salmoral, G., Garrido, A. (2015). The Common Agricultural Policy as a driver of water quality changes: the case of the Guadalquivir River Basin (southern Spain). Bio-based and Applied Economics, Vol 4, No 2, 102-123
- Ruiz, J. M. Bielza, A. Garrido, A. Iglesias (2015). Dealing with Drought in Irrigated Agriculture through Insurance Schemes: An application to an Irrigation District in Southern Spain. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research Vol 13, No 4.
- García-Germán, S., I Bardají, and A. Garrido (2016). Evaluating Price Transmission between Global Agricultural Markets and Consumer Food Price Indices in the European Union. Agricultural Economics, Volume 47, Issue 1, pages 59–70.
- Alarcón, J., A Garrido and L. Juana. (2015). Modernization of irrigation systems in Spain: review and analysis for decision making. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 2015 VOL . XX, NO . X, 1–17.
- Soriano, B., A. Garrido (2015). The role of private sector in development: The relation between public-private investment in infrastructure and agricultural exports in developing countries. Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales. Vol. 15,2. (2015). pp. 93-11
- Rey, D., J Calatrava, A. Garrido (2016). An innovative option contract for allocating water in inter-basin transfers: the case of the Tagus-Segura Transfer in Spain. Water Resources Management Volume 30, Issue 3, pp 1165-118
- Maestro, T., M. Bielza Díaz-Caneja, A Garrido. (2016). “Hydrological Drought Index Insurance for Irrigation Districts in Spain" Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research accepted
- Maestro, T., M. Barnet, Barry, Coble, K. Bielza Díaz-Caneja, A Garrido. (2016) Drought Index Insurance for the Central Valley Project in California. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy accepted
- Rodríguez, I, Caldés N, De la Rúa C. and Lechón Y., Garrido A. A methodological approach to simultaneously measure the three sustainability pillars: The Integrated Sustainability Assessment Tool. Environment, Development and Sustainability. Current status: accepted
- Rodríguez I., Caldés N., De la Rúa C., Garrido A. Socioeconomic, environmental and social impacts of a concentrated solar power energy project in Northern Chile. Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability 1, 5 (2016).
- Soriano, B., Garrido, A. How important is economic growth for reducing undernourishment in developing countries?, Food Policy, in press (2016)
- Rodríguez, I., Caldés, N., De la Rúa, C., Lechón, Y. Garrido, A. Using the Framework for Integrated Sustainability Assessment (FISA) to expand the Multiregional Input–Output analysis to account for the three pillars of sustainability. Environ Dev Sustain DOI 10.1007/s10668-016-9839-y
- Blas, A., Garrido, A., Willaarts, B. (2016) The water footprint of Mediterranean and American recommended diets. Water 2016, 8, 448; doi:10.3390/w8100448
- Salmoral, G. Willaarts, B., Garrido A.,Guse, B. (2017). Fostering integrated land and water management approaches: Evaluating the water footprint of a Mediterranean basin under different agricultural land use scenarios. Land Use Policy Volume 61, February 2017, Pages 24–39
- Valverde Arias, Omar, Alberto Garrido, María Villeta, Ana María Tarquis (2018) Homogenisation of a soil properties map by principal component analysis to define index agricultural insurance policies. Geoderma 311, 1 February 2018, Pages 149-158
- Cordero Ahiman, O.T., Santellano Estrada, E., Garrido, A. (2017) Dietary diversity in rural households: the case of indigenous communities in Sierra Tarahumara, State of Chihuahua, Mexico. Journal of Food and Nutrition Research Vol. 5, No. 2, 2017, pp 86-94.
- Cordero Ahiman, O.T., Santellano Estrada, E., Garrido, A. (2017) Explaining food insecurity among indigenous households in the Sierra Tarahumara in the Mexican State of Chihuahua . Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol 15, No 1 (2017)
- Jacome Gagñay, A.R., Garrido, A. (2017). A Real Option Analysis applied to the production of Arabica and Robusta Coffee in Ecuador, Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol 15, No 1.
- Valverde, Omar; Jose Luis Valencia Delfa, Ana M. Tarquis, Alberto Garrido. (2018) Using geographical information system to generate a drought risk map for rice cultivation: Case study in Babahoyo canton (Ecuador). Biosystems Engineering, Volume 168, April 2018, Pages 26-41
- García-Germán, S., I Bardají, and A. Garrido (2017). Do increasing prices affect food deprivation in the European Union?" Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 16(1)
- Blas, A.; A. Garrido; B Willaarts. (2018). Food consumption and waste in Spanish households: water implications within and beyond national borders. Ecological Indicators, Volume 89: 290-30
- Cordero Ahiman, O.T., Santellano Estrada, E., Garrido, A. (2018 ). Food Access and Coping Strategies Adopted by Households to Fight Hunger among Indigenous Communities of Sierra Tarahumara in Mexico. Sustainability 2018, 10, 473; doi:10.3390/su10020473.
- Flachsbarth, I., Schotte, S., Garrido, A. Lann, Jay. Rural structural change, poverty and income distribution: Evidence from Peru. The Journal of Economic Inequality in press.