Convocatoria de Beca Predoctoral en Gestión del Agua, 2018
En cumplimiento de su misión, la Fundación Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno, junto con la Fundación Botín, convoca una beca/contrato predoctoral sobre gestión de recursos hídricos para jóvenes investigadores que vayan a realizar su tesis doctoral en el Programa de Doctorado en Tecnología Agroambiental para una Agricultura Sostenible de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid o en el Programa de Doctorado en Geología e Ingeniería Geológica de la Universidad Complutense, con una co-dirección por parte de dos profesores de la Universidad Complutense y la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, respectivamente. Los co-directores estarán vinculados con el Observatorio del Agua de la Fundación Botín y el candidato/a seleccionado/a será miembro del mismo y desarrollará su trabajo de investigación en el marco de dicho think tank de la Fundación Botín.
El objetivo de la beca/contrato es la realización de una tesis doctoral que, prioritariamente, se oriente a estudiar y entender las relaciones entre las presiones antrópicas ejercidas sobre las masas de agua superficiales y el riesgo de no alcanzar el buen estado ecológico según la Directiva Marco del Agua, utilizando técnicas avanzadas de procesamiento y análisis de datos. La tesis tendrá como objetivo crear conocimiento aplicado a la definición de programas y políticas para lograr más eficazmente mejoras en el estado ecológico de los ríos.
La dotación de la beca será de 23.700€ brutos anuales. La duración inicial de las becas es de un año, prorrogable por períodos iguales, hasta un máximo de tres años, en función del cumplimiento satisfactorio del plan de trabajo.
La fecha límite de envío de solicitudes es el 28 de septiembre de 2018 a las 15:00h.
Contacto para información adicional:

About Alberto Garrido
Food consumption and waste in Spanish households: water implications within and beyond national borders
Blas, A.; A. Garrido; B Willaarts. (2018). Food consumption and waste in Spanish households: water implications within and beyond national borders. Ecological Indicators, Volume 89: 290-300
The improvement of the sustainability of global food systems is a top priority. Many efforts have targeted the production side, yet managing food consumption demand, i.e., people’s eating habits, might deliver important co-benefits from a land, water, and energy perspective. This paper focuses on assessing the water-related implications of food consumption and waste among Spanish consumers to discern possible policy recommendations. Specifically, we estimated the water footprint (WF) of the diet and associated food waste of Spanish households from October 2014 to September 2015, broken down by WF component (green, blue and grey) and its geographical origin. Our results showed that, for the analyzed period, the WF of food consumption in Spain is 52,933 hm3, equivalent to 3302 liters per person and day. The consumptive fraction (green + blue water) of this diet-related WF accounts for 89%, while the remaining 11% (127 m3 per person/year) is attributed to water quality impacts (grey water). The products that account for the largest share in the total WF are meat, fish and animal fats (26%) and dairy products (21%). Likewise, roughly 41% of the total WF linked to household diets is foreign, i.e., imported virtual water, and the main countries of origin are Tunisia, Portugal, and France. The WF of food waste accounts for 2095 hm3, equivalent to 131 liters per person and day. From a policy perspective, several studies have highlighted that high water savings can be achieved by reducing food waste; in Spain, however, eliminating food waste at household level would reduce the Spanish food-related WF by only 4% (292 hm3 of blue water and 1555 hm3 of green water). In the light of these results, a shift back to a Mediterranean diet, in which fruits and vegetables account for a larger share of the food intake, would deliver greater water savings.

About Alberto Garrido
How important is economic growth for reducing undernourishment in developing countries?
Soriano, B., Garrido, A. (2016) How important is economic growth for reducing undernourishment in developing countries?, Food Policy Volume 63, August, Pages 87–101
There is intense debate in the literature about how important economic growth is for solving the problem of undernourishment. This paper focuses on the rate of change in the prevalence of undernourishment and looks at whether higher economic growth speeds up reductions in undernutrition in developing countries. The analysis uses panel data analysis on data spanning 22 years (1991–2012) and covering 27 developing countries. Results reveal that faster annual economic growth leads to larger annual improvements in undernourishment rates. Both annual and long-term economic growth are relevant. Sustained economic growth has a greater positive impact on undernutrition than short-term economic growth. In addition to economic growth, investments in health, education and access to drinking water are also enabling factors for reducing undernourishment. In conclusion, increased income growth can hasten the effects of food policies aimed at reducing undernourishment, but not to the extent that sustained growth and better access to health, education and drinking water can.

About Alberto Garrido
Knowledge Factory
The Knowledge Factory: Dismantling the Corporate University and Creating True Higher Learning (Inglés) Tapa blanda – 1 mar 2001 de Stanley Aronowitz (Autor)
Interesantísima historia de la gran transformación del sistema universitaria norte-americano. Un factor importante de esa transformación fue debida al papel creciente de los sindicatos….

About Alberto Garrido
Lecturas de verano — Política Universitaria
Durante el verano he leído estos cuatro libros de política universitaria:
- The Knowledge Factory: Dismantling the Corporate University and Creating True Higher Learning (Inglés) Tapa blanda – 1 mar 2001 de Stanley Aronowitz (Autor)
- La universidad cercada: Testimonios de un naufragio (Argumentos) de Jesús Hernández, Ávaro Delgado-Gal y Xavier Pericay
- Universidad Y Ciencia En España (Gadir Ensayo y Biografía), de Clara Eugenia Núñez
- Los rankings universitarios, mitos y realidades; Climent, V., Michavila, F. y Ripollés, M. (ed.)
iré escribiendo notas de cada uno de ellos en las próximas semanas.