La semana pasada nuestros alumnos que participan en el proyecto FRIENDLY CITY: REGENERATING URBAN ENVIRONMENTS (, perteneciente a la comunidad EELISA Egalitarian Societies: Opportunities for Everyone ( y al grupo de Innovación Educativa Actitud Constructiva, realizaron las mediciones acústicas en el barrio de Saconia de Madrid.
El proyecto pretende concienciar sobre la responsabilidad personal y el autocontrol como forma de resolver los problemas acústicos de las ciudades y también pretende desarrollar propuestas para mejorar el entorno urbano. Las propuestas incluirán ideas relacionadas con la revitalización de la ciudad desde una perspectiva de sostenibilidad urbana, social y económica.
Existe una tendencia en la sociedad a pensar que los problemas de ruido se pueden resolver exclusivamente a través de un mayor aislamiento (social y acústico), lo que genera un modelo de ciudad agresivo. En contraposición a este modelo agresivo, los problemas de ruido pueden abordarse mediante un enfoque de colaboración y responsabilidad personal. Un ejemplo es el barrio de Saconia en Madrid (o la ciudad de los poetas). Los bloques de ladrillo, con sus características ventanas enrasadas, sus perfiles en forma de sierra y sus pasillos, presentan hoy en día problemas de ruido.
Este proyecto pretende revertir la situación e incorporar a las personas como parte fundamental del proceso de uso del edificio.
Participamos en el mismo: Los alumnos del Máster MITE, los profesores Mónica Morales y David Caballol y la becaria del proyecto Lucía Iñígo.
Last week our students participating in the project FRIENDLY CITY: REGENERATING URBAN ENVIRONMENTS (, belonging to the EELISA community Egalitarian Societies: Opportunities for Everyone ( and the Educational Innovation group Actitud Constructiva, carried out acoustic measurements in the Saconia neighbourhood of Madrid.
The project aims to raise awareness of personal responsibility and self-control as a way of solving acoustic problems in cities and also aims to develop proposals for improving the urban environment. The proposals will include ideas related to the revitalisation of the city from an urban, social and economic sustainability perspective.
There is a tendency in society to think that noise problems can be solved exclusively through increased isolation (social and acoustic), which generates an aggressive city model. In contrast to this aggressive model, noise problems can be tackled through a collaborative approach and personal responsibility. A case in point is the Saconia neighbourhood in Madrid (or the city of poets). The brick blocks, with their characteristic flush windows, their saw-shaped profiles and their passageways, nowadays present noise problems.
This project aims to reverse the situation and incorporate people as a fundamental part of the process of using the building.
We participated in it: MITE Master students, professors Mónica Morales and David Caballol and project intern Lucía Iñígo.
Last week our students participating in the project FRIENDLY CITY: REGENERATING URBAN ENVIRONMENTS (, belonging to the EELISA community Egalitarian Societies: Opportunities for Everyone ( ) and the Educational Innovation group Actitud Constructiva, carried out acoustic measurements in the Saconia neighbourhood of Madrid.
The project aims to raise awareness of personal responsibility and self-control as a way of solving acoustic problems in cities and also aims to develop proposals for improving the urban environment. The proposals will include ideas related to the revitalisation of the city from an urban, social and economic sustainability perspective.
There is a tendency in society to think that noise problems can be solved exclusively through increased isolation (social and acoustic), which generates an aggressive city model. In contrast to this aggressive model, noise problems can be tackled through a collaborative approach and personal responsibility. A case in point is the Saconia neighbourhood in Madrid (or the city of poets). The brick blocks, with their characteristic flush windows, their saw-shaped profiles and their passageways, nowadays present noise problems.
This project aims to reverse the situation and incorporate people as a fundamental part of the process of using the building.
We participated in it: MITE Master students, professors Mónica Morales and David Caballol and project intern Lucía Iñígo.