Abstract Assessing wood fracture behavior is essential in the design of structural timber elements and connections. This is particularly the case for connections with the possibility of brittle splitting failure. The numerical cohesive zone models that are used to simulate
Lara-Bocanegra A, Roig A, Majano-Majano A, Guaita M. (2019) From eucalyptus to elastic gridshells. Form and Force. 60th Anniversary Symposium of the Association for shell and spatial structures (IASS), Barcelona, Spain.
Abstract Elastic timber gridshells are built by bending small cross-section, long and good quality timber laths on site to the desired shape. This procedure enables double curvature structures of great aesthetic appearance and high structural efficiency. Despite their interest, few
Lara-Bocanegra A, Reindl J-O, Dietsch P, Majano-Majano A. Arriaga F. (2019) Buckling of actively bent barrel-vaulted timber gridshells. Form and Force. 60th Anniversary Symposium of the Association for shell and spatial structures (IASS), Barcelona, Spain.
Abstract Timber elastic gridshells represent a promising solution for medium and long span lightweight roofs featuring free or modular geometries. This technique enables the construction of large simple or double curved shells by bending standard timber elements on site, incorporating
Lara-Bocanegra AJ, Majano-Majano A, Feijoo B, Gómez-Royuela JL, Lozano-Bodeguero L, Lorenzana JA, Roig A, Portela M, Guaita M. (2019) Acciones demostrativas con productos estructurales realizados con especies gallegas en el marco del Proyecto Life Lugo+Biodinámico. Lignomad 19, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
Abstract En este trabajo se presenta una visión general de los objetivos y acciones planteados en el proyecto Life Lugo+Biodinámico. El foco de atención se centra en aquellas acciones destinadas a desarrollar productos estructurales de madera con especies forestales gallegas
Ramírez Bandera, J. (2019). Alfriston School Pool (Master’s Thesis).
Title: Sports Hall at Schuldorf Bergstrasse (Master’s Thesis) Author: Ramírez Bandera, J. Supervisor: Majano Majano, A. University: Higher Tech. School of Architecture of Madrid (ETSAM) | Tech. University of Madrid (UPM)
Reindl, J-O. (2019). Buckling Analysis of Cylindrical Elastically Bent Timber Gridshells (Master’s Thesis).
Title: Buckling Analysis of Cylindrical Elastically Bent Timber Gridshells Author: Reindl, J-O. Supervisor: Dietsch, P. & Lara-Bocanegra, AJ. University: Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany