
UNI-Health Programme closes its first edition in Madrid!


UNI-HEALTH FESTIVAL took place in USERA on 20th and 21st June (Junta de Distrito de Usera, C/Rafaela Ybarra 41).

This event showed the results of the analysis and proposals by students and reinforced the aim for new collaborations with local agents and neighbors in order to work all together towards healthier environments and promotion of active ageing through urban design and planning.

We are still looking for partners and collaborations for enlarging our network, from start-ups, to local associations to neighbors and researchers. You can write to us through: uni-health@upm.es

Thanks to all the participants of this event! 

See all the details of the festival in the following entries!

UNI-Health finally arrived to Usera District on June! (Part I)