We invite everyone to participate in this dissemination event of project TA VIE results through the University of Trento.

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We invite everyone to participate in this dissemination event of project TA VIE results through the University of Trento.
Link to access the event:
We are pleased to share the toolkit for assessing global competence of engineers, and the impact of training and international experience.
The toolkit will allow for easy, more rigorous, assessment of competence by HEIs and employers. Using the toolkit, HEIs and employers can both measure the level and profile of individuals’ competence, and assess the effect of interventions and experiences, e.g., training and international exchange or cooperation. Being able to identify strengths and weaknesses, more effective means of improving competence can be planned.
On the personal level this could refer to focused training on specific competencies while at the organisational level this could translate to embedded mobility curricula or otherwise improved education.
The toolkit will help validate international experience, thus promoting meaningful internationalisation and increase the capacity of professionalism of engineers to work at European/international level.
Please, we invite you to participate, use and share this wonderful tool that we hope will be to your liking and interest.
Now available: https://surveytavie.industriales.upm.es/