Universidad Politécnica de Madrid International Association for Hydro- Environment Engineering and Research
Seminario IAHR- Spain Water 2018
15th November 2018- Salón de Actos- Edificio Agrónomos
We live in an era of changes (climate, technology, demography,…). River systems are sensitive to global change and require innovative integrated management in order to adapt to changes and ensure sustainability of their multiple uses.
Leading Universities, Companies and Organizations in Water Engineering and Management will join to discuss and set a lines of action to address this challenge in SPAIN WATER 2018 ADAPTING RIVER MANAGEMENT IN AN ERA OF CHANGE, an International Workshop conceived to foster research and technology transfer in River Systems.
SPAIN WATER events are long established as reference event top-leading institutions committed with innovation in Water Management and Engineering in Spain. In this Edition the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR) and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) collaborate to co-organize the Conference reaching a wider audience thanks to the River Adapt network.
Proceedings will be published by IAHR Publisher. Selected papers will be promoted for its publication in IAHR Journals and Ingeniería del Agua.
FREE – open until Nov. 5th FILL THE FORM CLOSED
Part 1: Actuaciones del MITECO: Plan Pima adapta AGUA (Spanish)
Session I
Actuaciones del MIteco en el Plan Pima Adapta AGUA (Sesión en castellano)
Actions of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition in the Pima Plan “Adapta AGUA” (Spanish)
9:00 – 9:30 Presentación de la jornada.
Luis Ricote, Director ETSIAAB, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Manuel Menéndez Prieto, Director General del Agua. Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica
Valvanera María Ulargui Aparicio, Directora General de la Oficina Española de Cambio Climático. Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica
José Trigueros Rodrigo, Director del CEDEX
Leonor Rodríguez, Catedrática Hidráulica ETSIAAB. UPM Water.
9:30 – 9:45 Plan de adaptación al cambio climático y Planes Pima Adapta.
Francisco Heras, Oficina Española de Cambio Climático;
9:45 – 10:15 Resultados del estudio de impacto del cambio climático en los recursos hídricos. Luis Barranco, CEDEX;
10:15- 10:45 Resultados del estudio del impacto del cambio climático en el riesgo de inundación. Gerardo Benito, Antonio Jimenez, Luis Mediero, Tragsatec, CSIC-CEDEX –UPM –TRAGSATEC;
10:45- 11:00 Impacto del cambio climático en la hidromorfología y restauración fluvial. Fernando Magdaleno, DGA;
11.00-11.30 Coffee break
11:30-11:45 Seguimiento del cambio climático y estado de las masas de agua.
Alejandra Puig Infante; DGA
11:45 – 12:00 Ejemplos de proyectos de adaptación al cambio climático del Plan PIMA ADAPTA AGUA. CCHH + DGA
12:00-12:15. Debate general sobre el impacto del cambio climático en la gestión de masas de agua.
Part 2: River Adapt: Successful alliances for the adaptation of rivers in Europe
Session II
River Adapt Network: Adapting River Management in an Era of Change (English)
12:15- 12:20 River Adapt concept, network and objectives. Luis Garrote, Leonor Rodríguez, Diego García de Jalón, Miguel Marchamalo, UPM Water (Spain);
12:20- 12:35 Water related ecosystem services assessment to support Arno river basin integrated management. Tommaso Paceti. UNIFI & Arno River Basin Authority (Italy);
12:35- 12:50 Design of a methodology to increase flood resilience compatible with improved status of water bodies and sustainable management of water resources (Drainage) Fernando Magdaleno DGA (Spain)
12:50-13:05 Risk of river levee overtopping: a multivariate methodology for hydrological safety characterization. Mateo Isola, UNIFI, UPM & Hydrological Service of Tuscany Region (Italy and Spain);
13:05-13:20 Using hydropower modelling to assess environmental impacts. Oddbjorn Bruland. USTUTT & Statkraft (Norway)
13:20-13:35 Monitoring strategies associated with the controlled drawdown of a hydropower reservoir. Stefan Haun. USTUTT & TIWAG (Germany)
13:35-13:50 Conclusions of the nexus (water-energy-food-ecosystems) regional process at the 8th world water forum of Brasilia. Juan Ojeda. TYPSA (Spain)
13:50-15:15 Lunch buffet
Session III
River Adaptation successful case studies throughout Europe (English)
15:15-17:05 (10 min presentations)
15:15-15:25 Hydraulic Anatomy of Guadiana Springs. Pablo Doncel Fuentes. UCLM (Spain)
15:25-15:35 Recharge Through snow melting and river management: a case of study at headwaters of Tagus river. Ignacio Menendez-Pidal. UPM (Spain)
15:35-15:45 Drag Coefficient Modelling Study for Flexible Vegetation in Open Channel Flow. Awesar Hussain. University of Bradford (UK)
15:45-15.55 Addressing multifunctional river systems by means of stakeholders perception and strategic alliances: the marina baixa water consortium, Alicante (Spain). Sandra Ricart Casadevall. University of Alicante.
15:55-16:05 Experimental study of clogging in bottom racks. Case of circular bars with high void ratios. Luis Castillo Elsitdié. UPCT (Spain)
16:05-16:15 Causal modelling: an adaptive and predictive tool for runoff temporal behaviour of unregulated rivers. José Luis Molina. University of Salamanca (Spain)
16:15-16:25 A more sustainable irrigation system in a context of competing water uses: the Mincio river basin (Italy). Carlotta Valerio. University of Trento (Italy)
16:25-16:35 Towards High-performance Hydraulic/Hydrologic numerical simulations in fluvial enviroments using Riverflow2D GPU. Javier Fernández Pato. UNIZAR (Spain)
16:35-16:45 Conceptualization of a bottom-up hydrotool focused on sustainable water resources allocation and stakeholders collaboration. Manuel Argamasilla Ruíz. CETAQUA (Spain)
16:45-16:55 Danube Sediment Management – Restoration of the Sediment Balance in the Danube River. Barbara Kéri. Budapest University of Technology and Economist (Hungary)
16:55-17:20 Coffee break
Important Dates
Call for Abstracts: September 17th –
October 8th 2018(Extended to 15th October) FINISHED -
Abstract Acceptance:
October 15th 2018(Extended to 19th October) FINISHED - Extended Abstract Subsmission for Proceedings: November 9th 2018
Contact and Abstract submission
UPM-WATER (Technical University of Madrid, Spain)
Multifunctional River Systems (agriculture-energy-ecosystems conflicting uses & trade-offs)
Environment Friendly Hydropower
Sustainable irrigation in river systems
Water ecosystem services (WES) and Natural Capital metrics in the frame of WFD
Multisectoral partnerships for multifuncional river systems
Variability and extremes in river systems in the frame of Climate Change: floods & droughts and adaptation
Flood control & power production (trade-offs and incentives)
Uncertainty of water uses under extreme droughts
Flood alert systems
Water security and hydro(geo)logical drought in the river basin: Risks assessment and seasonal forecasting
Fluvial landscapes management and engineering
Adaptation of fluvial landscapes to climate change
River restoration, landscape greening and flood control in rural and urban areas
Environmental flows: time for the sediment fluxes
Colmation – impact of modified water and sediment regimes
Organizing Committee
- Elsa Incio (International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research)
- Christopher George (International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research)
- Luis Garrote (Hidroinformática, UPM Water, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
- Diego García de Jalón (Hidrobiología, UPM Water, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
- Leonor Rodríguez Sinobas (Hidráulica del Riego, UPM Water, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
- Miguel Marchamalo Sacristán (Hidrobiología, UPM Water, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
Cranfield University, NTNU, USTUTT, UNIFI, ULisboa
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ETSI Agronómica,Alimentaria y de Biosistemas, UPM)