Journal publications
JCR indexed Journals (inverse chronological order)
- A Survey of Ontology-Enabled Processes for Dependable Robot Autonomy. E. Aguado, V. Gómez, M. Hernando, C. Rossi, and R. Sanz. Frontiers in Robotics and AI ((2024), Type: Sistematic Review. Sec. Computational Intelligence in Robotics ,vol. 11: 1377897. Pags:01-30. IF:2.9 Q2.(23/46 Robotics) Published 10.7.2024
- A Review and Evaluation of Control Architectures for Modular Legged and Climbing Robots. Prados, C.; Hernando, M.; Gambao, E.; Brunete, A. Biomimetics 2024, 9(nº 6) 319. Number of pages 33. . JCR 2022: 4.5 ; 5-Year Impact Factor: 3.877 (2021). Q1 (Engineering, Multidisciplinary(22/90) ISSN: 2313-7673. Published 27.5.2024.
- Robotics-Driven Gait Analysis: Assessing Azure Kinect’s Performance in In-Lab versus In-Corridor Environments . Diego Guffanti, Alberto Brunete,Miguel Hernando, David Álvarez, Ernesto Gambao ,William Chamorro, Diego Fernández-Vázquez, Víctor Navarro-López, María Carratalá-Tejada, Juan Carlos Miangolarra-Page. Journal of Field Robotics, 2024. DOI: 10.1002/rob.22313. On press (Q1)
- Supervised learning for improving the accuracy of robot-mounted 3D camera applied to human gait analysis. D. Guffanti, A. Brunete, M. Hernando, D. Álvarez, J. Rueda and E. Navarro. Heliyon 2024. Volumen 10, Issue 4. E26227. Published 29.II.24 Online 12 Feb 2024. DOI: EISSN: 2405-8440. Elsevier Ltd. JCR 2022: 4.0. Q2 (23/73 MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES)
- Bioinspired Whisker Sensor for 3D Mapping of Underground Mining Environments. Gomez, V. Remmas, W.. Hernando, M., Ristolainen, A., Rossi, C. Biomimetics 2023, Vol:9 Issue number:11.Num of pages: 19. -Section: Locomotion and Bioinspired Robotics. Special Issue: Bio-Inspired Approaches – A Leverage for Robotics. DOI: JCR 2022: 4.5 ; 5-Year Impact Factor: 3.877 (2021). Q1 (Engineering, Multidisciplinary(22/90) ISSN: 2313-7673
- RoboGait: sistema robótico no invasivo para el análisis de la marcha humana. Álvarez, D., Guffanti, D., Brunete, A., Hernando, M., Gambao, E. DOI: . Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial Vol. XX (2023 issue X), pp. XXX-XXX. 2023. JCR 2022: 1.5. AUTOMATION & CONTROL SYSTEMS Q4(55/65) ROBOTICS (28/30) ||Scopus CiteScore 2022: 3.1 SJR: 0.289. Control and Systems Engineering (Q2: 139/286) General Computer Science Q2 (95/233)
- Design and Kinematic Modeling of a Soft Continuum Telescopic Arm for the Self-Assembly Mechanism of a Modular Robot . Gomez V., Hernando M., Aguado E., Bajo D., Rossi C. Soft Robotics. DOI: 10.1089/soro.2023.0020. JCR 2022: 7.9. Q1 (6/30)(ROBOTICS). ISSN: 2169-5172 | Online ISSN: 2169-5180. Published Online: 25 Oct 2023.
- ROBOMINER: Development of a Highly Configurable and Modular Scaled-Down Prototype of a Mining Robot . Gomez V, Hernando M, Aguado E, Sanz R, Rossi C. Machines. 2023; 11(8):809. Section: Mechatronic and Intelligent Machines. Accepted: 5 August 2023 / Published: 7 August 2023. JCR 2022: 2.6. Q2 (62/136) (Engineering, Mechanical). EISSN: 2075-1702.
- Torque-Based Control of a Bio-Inspired Modular Climbing Robot . Prados C, Hernando M, Gambao E, Brunete A. Machines. 19.7.2023; 11( nº 7):757. Accepted: 17 July 2023 / Published: 19 July 2023 . JCR 2022: 2.6. Q2 (62/135) (Engineering, Mechanical). EISSN: 2075-1702.
- Performance of a Mobile 3D Camera to Evaluate Simulated Pathological Gait in Practical Scenarios. Guffanti D, Lemus D, Vallery H, Brunete A, Hernando M, Horemans H. Sensors. 2023; 23(15):6944. Accepted: 2 August 2023 / Published: 4 August 2023. . Special Issue Mobile Robotics/Sensors and Environmental Monitoring Applications for eHealth. JCR 2022: 3.9. Q2 (Instruments and Instrumentation) ISSN: 1424-8220
- Teaching Industrial Robotics in Higher Education with the Visual-based Android Application Hammer. Brunete, A., Hernando, M., Gambao, E., Mateo, C., & Manzaneque, D. (2023). Enfoque UTE, pp. 10-18. JCR 2022(JIF): 0.5. Q(N/A) . JCR(JCI) Q4(0.13) REDIB Journals Ranking Q2(16.594)
- Mechatronic Design of a Self-Contained Dexterous Robotic Hand for Gestural Communication “ . Hernando, M., Morillo, C., Guffanti, D. and Brunete, A.. Int Journal of Social Robotics (2023). Aceptado: 12.XII.22. Publlicado: 13.1.23. Vol 15, pp: 221-231 ISSN: 1875-4791. Netherlands.JCR 2022: 4.7. Q2 ROBOTICS(12/30) JCI Q1 ROBOTICS(10/42)
- “MoCLORA—An Architecture for Legged-and-Climbing Modular Bio-Inspired Robotic Organism “. Prados, C.; Hernando, M.; Gambao, E.; Brunete, A.. Biomimetics 2023, Vol:8 Issue number:11.Num of pages: 19. Special Issue: Biorobotics. JCR 2022: 4.5 ; 5-Year Impact Factor: 3.877 (2021). Q1 (Engineering, Multidisciplinary(22/90) ISSN: 2313-7673.
- “ROMERIN: A climbing robotic organism based on modular legs with active suction cups”. Prados, C., Hernando, M., Gambao, E., Brunete, A. .Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial Vol. 20 (2023 issue 2), pp. 175-186. 2023. JCR 2022: 1.5. AUTOMATION & CONTROL SYSTEMS Q4(55/65) ROBOTICS (28/30) ||Scopus CiteScore 2022: 3.1 SJR: 0.289. Control and Systems Engineering (Q2: 139/286) General Computer Science Q2 (95/233)
- “ROMERIN: A new concept of a modular autonomous climbing robot “. Hernando M, Gambao E, Prados C, Brito D, Brunete A.. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems. Sept-Oct 2022:1-14;19(5). doi:10.1177/17298806221123416. EISSN: 1729-8814 . Sage Publications Inc. Austria. JCR 2021 (1.714) Q4 ROBOITICS (25/30).
- “ANN-based Optimization of Human Gait Data Obtained from a Robot-Mounted 3D Camera: A Multiple Sclerosis Case Study.” . D. Guffanti, A. Brunete, M. Hernando, E. Gambao and D. Álvarez, in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2022. October 2022. Vol 7. Issue 4. Pages: 8901-8908. Electronic ISSN:2377-3766. Publisher: IEEE doi: 10.1109/LRA.2022.3189433. JCR 2021(4.3) JCR Q2 ROBOTICS (11/30 en 2021), JCI Q1 ROBOTICS(8/41 en 2021). 5-Year Impact Factor: 5.010.
- “Behavior-Based Control Architecture for Legged and Climber Robots”. Hernando, M.; Alonso, M.; Prados, C.; Gambao, E.. Applied Sciences 2021, .Vol(11), 9547. . 14.X.2021. ISSN: 2076-3417. Special Issue: Modelling and Control of Mechatronic and Robotic Systems, Volume II. JCR 2020: 2.679; 5-Year Impact Factor: 2.736. Ranking 2020: JCR – Q2 (Engineering, Multidisciplinary) / CiteScore – Q2 (General Engineering).
- “ROBOGait: A Mobile robotic platform for human gait analysis in clinical environments”. Guffanti, D. Brunete, A., Hernando, M. Rueda, J. y Navarro, E. Sensors 2021 Volume 21, Num 6786. Pags 0-22 .ISSN 1424-8220 Impact Factor: 3.576 (2020) ; 5-Year Impact Factor: 3.735 (2020)- Q1 (Instruments & Instrumentation) / CiteScore – Q1 (Instrumentation)
- “Development and validation of a ROS-based mobile robotic platform for human gait analysis applications”. Diego Guffanti, Alberto Brunete, Miguel Hernando. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 2021. Volume 145,103869. ISSN 0921-8890. JCR 2020:3.12 31/63 (Q2) in Automation & Control Systems
- “ Smart Assistive Architecture for the Integration of IoT Devices, Robotic Systems, and Multimodal Interfaces in Healthcare Environments.” A. Brunete, E. Gambao, M. Hernando and R. Cedazo. Sensors 2021, Vol 21(6), Num 2212; doi:10.3390/s21062212. 2 Marzo 2021. ISSN: 1424-8220. JCR 2019: 3.275. 5-year JCR: 3.427. Ranking 2019: 15/64 (Q1) in ‘Instruments & Instru-mentation’; 22/86 (Q2) in ‘Chemistry, Analytical’; 77/266 (Q2) in ‘Engineering, Electrical & Electronic’.
- “CFD Modelling and Optimization Procedure of an Adhesive System for a Modular Climbing Robot”. Hernando, M.; Gómez, V.; Brunete, A.; Gambao. Sensors 2021, vol 21(4), Num 1117. Doi: 10.3390/s21041117 . 5 Feb 2021. ISSN: 1424-8220. JCR 2019: 3.275. 5-year JCR: 3.427. Ranking 2019: 15/64 (Q1) in ‘Instruments & Instrumentation’; 22/86 (Q2) in ‘Chemistry, Analytical’; 77/266 (Q2) in ‘Engineering, Electrical & Electronic
- “The Accuracy of the Microsoft Kinect V2 Sensor for Human Gait Analysis. A Different Approach for Comparison with the Ground Truth”. Guffanti, Diego; Brunete, Alberto; Hernando, Miguel; Rueda, Javier; Navarro Cabello, Enrique. in Sensors 2020, vol 20. Num 4405. Doi: 10.3390/s20164405. 7 August 2020. ISSN: 1424-8220. JCR 2019: 3.275. 5-year JCR: 3.427. Ranking 2019: 15/64 (Q1) in ‘Instruments & Instrumentation’; 22/86 (Q2) in ‘Chemistry, Analytical’; 77/266 (Q2) in ‘Engineering, Electrical & Electronic
- “Non-invasive multi-camera gait analysis system and its application to gender classification”. D. Guffanti, A. Brunete and M. Hernando, in IEEE Access, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2995474. Early Access 18 May 2020. Vol 8. Issue: 1. Pages: 95734-95746. Print ISSN: 2169-3536. JCR 2019: 4.098. Ranking 2018: Q1 (19/88 en TELECOMMUNICATIONS, 23/155 en COMPUTER SCIENCE INFORMATION SYSTEMS 52/266 en ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC)
- Background-Subtraction Algorithm Optimization for Home Camera-Based Night-Vision Fall Detectors. M. Alonso , A. Brunete , M. Hernando , E. Gambao. IEEE Access. Vol 7. Issue: 1. Pages: 152399-152411. ISSN: 2169-3536. Doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2948321 . JCR 2018: 4.098. Ranking 2017: Q1 (19/87 en TELECOMMUNICATIONS, 24/148 en COMPUTER SCIENCE INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 48/260 en ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC). 18 October 2019
- Home Camera-Based Fall Detection System for the Elderly. K. de Miguel, A. Brunete, M. Hernando, E. Gambao. Sensors. Sensors 2017, 17, 2864; doi:10.3390/s17122864. Diciembre 2017. pp 21. JCR 2016: 2.677 (2016). Ranking: Q1(10/58 en Instruments & Instrumentation) ISSN: 1424-8220
- Hard material small-batch industrial machining robot. A.Brunete, E. Gambao, J. Koskinen, T. Heikkilä, K. Kaldestad, I. Tyapin, G. Hovland, D. Surdilovic, M. Hernando, A. Bottero, S. Anton. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. Vol 54. December 2018.Pp 185-199. DOI: JCR 2016: 2.95. Computer Science Q1 (24/105) Engineering, Manuf: Q1 (11/44) Robotics Q2 (8/26). ISSN: 0736-5845
- Current trends in reconfigurable modular robots design. A.Brunete, A. Ranganath, S. Segovia, J.Perez de Frutos, M. Hernando, E. Gambao. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 14(3):1-21 · June 2017. DOI: 10.1177/1729881417710457. JCR: 0.987. Ranking: Q3: 18/26 (Robotics)
- User-friendly task level programming based on an online walk-through teaching approach. A. Brunete , C. Mateo , E.Gambao , M.Hernando , J. Koskinen , J. M Ahola , T. Seppälä , T. Heikkila Industrial Robot: An International Journal . Marzo 2016. 43:2 , 153-163. ISSN: 0143-991X JCR :0.635
- A Simulation Environment for Bio-inspired Heterogeneous Chained Modular Robots. A. Brunete, M.Hernando, E. Gambao. Int J Adv Robot Syst, 2014, 11:17. doi: 10.5772/57324. OnLine 12-2-2014. IF (ISI): 0.821. (20/23) Q4. H Index:19. Print ISSN 1729-8806. DOI: 10.5772/57324
- GPU-Mapping: Robotic Map Building with Graphical Multiprocessors. Rodriguez-losada, Pablo San Segundo, Miguel Hernando, Paloma de la Puente, Alberto Valero. IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine. Vol 20. Issue:2. Pp: 40-51. ISSN: 1070-9932 JCR: 2.090 (Q1/Robotics: 1 de 11,Q1 Automation and Control Systems: 11 de 59). Aceptado el 19-3-2011. Publicado Junio 2013. DOI: 10.1109/MRA.2012.2220503
- Arquitectura de integración basada en Servicios Web para sistemas heterogéneos y distribuidos: aplicación a robots móviles interactivos. Valero-Gómez, A; de la Puente, P; Rodriguez-Losada, D; Hernando, M; Segundo, Pablo San; Elsevier. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial. ISSN:1697-7912. Enero de 2013;10:85-95. JCR(2011)=0,231.
- Offline GA-Based Optimization for Heterogeneous Modular Multiconfigurable Chained Microrobots. A. Brunete, M. Hernando, E. Gambao. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics. ISSN: 1083-4435 . Vol 18, No 2. pp.: 578-585. Publicado: April 2013. DOI:10.1109/TMECH.2012.2220560. JCR(2011)=2.865. Ranking (Automation & Control Systems Q1(4/58) Engineering, Manufacturing Q1(1/37), Engineering Mechanical Q1(5/122), Engineering, Electrical & Electronics Q1 (22/245).
- A behaviour-based control architecture for heterogeneous modular, multi-configurable, chained micro-robots. A. Brunete, M. Hernando, E. Gambao, J.E. Torres. Robotics and Autonomous Systems (2012), Elsevier, ISSN: 0921-8890.JCR(2011)=1.056. Ranking (Automation & Control Systems Q2(26/58). doi: 10.1016/j.robot.2012.09.019. Aceptado: 13 de Septiembre 2012. Online: Octubre 2012
- An improved bit parallel exact maximum clique algorithm. Pablo San Segundo, Fernando Matía, Diego Rodríguez Losada, Miguel Hernando. Optimization Letters. ISSN 1862-4472. Springer-Verlag. Aceptado el 13 de Diciembre de 2011. Publicado On-Line el 31 de Diciembre de 2011. 2013 Vol 7. pp: 467-479. DOI: 10.1007/s11590-011-0431-y. JCR(2012)= 1.654
- Impact of Two Adjustable Autonomy Models on the Scalability of Single-Human-Multiple-Robot Teams for Exploration Missions.Alberto Valero, Paloma de la Puente, Miguel Hernando. SAGE publications Inc. ISSN: 0018-7208. JCR Impact Factor: 1.373. 5-year Impact Factor: 1.696. Aceptado 21.VII.2011. (Q2/Ergonomics: 5 de 14).
- Heterogenous Multi-Configurable Chained Micro-robot for Exploration of Small Cavities. Alberto Brunete, Miguel Hernando, Jose E Torres, Ernesto Gambao. Automation in Construction. ELSEVIER. ISSN: 0926-5805. JCR Impact Factor: 1,372. 5-Year Impact Factor: 1.510. Enero de 2012; Vol 21. Pp: 184-198. (Q1/ Construction & Building Technology 8/49; Q1/Civil Engineering 20/106). DOI:10.1016/j.autcon.2011.06.003
- Ten Years of Cybertech: The Educational Benefits of Bullfighting Robotics. M, Hernando, R. Galán, I. Navarro, D. Rodríguez Losada. IEEE Transactions On Education. Noviembre 2011. ISSN: 0018-9359. Vol.: 54, Num: 4. Pp.: 569-575. JCR 0.822 (Q2, categoría Education 13/27; Q3 Engenieering, Electrical & Electronic 138/246). DOI: 10.1109/TE.2010.2095014
- Operator Performance in Exploration Robotics. A Comparison Between Stationary and Mobile Operators. Alberto Valero, Gabriele Randelli, Fabiano Botta, Diego Rodríguez-Losada, Miguel Hernando. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems. Springer. Aceptado Didiembre 2010. JCR: 0.858. ISSN: 0921-0296. DOI: 10.1007/s10846-011-9539-7
- Telerobotic system for live-power line maintenance: ROBTET . Aracil, R., Ferre, M., Hernando, M., Pinto E., Sebastián, J.M.Control Engineering Practice 10. pp 1271-1281. Agosto 2002. Elsevier Science LTd. JCR 2002: 0.452. ISSN: 0967-0661 . No hay rankings en 2002. La primera vez que hay Ranking es en 2009, siendo un Q1 (AUTOMATION & CONTROL SYSTEMS 12/59 y en ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC 46/245). En CiteScore aparece desde 2011: 2.96. Q1
Other Sci Journals
- ROMERIN: A Modular Climber Robot for Infrastructure Inspection. M. Hernando, A. Brunete, E. Gambao, IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 52, Issue 15, 2019. Pp: 424-429. ISSN 2405-8963. Citescore 0.99 Control and System Eng (Q3: 142/233). H-Index 52. Septiembre 2019
- A new generation of collaborative robots for material handling. E. Gambao, M. Hernando, D. Surdilovic. Gerontechnology Vol 11, Num 2. Pp.:368. Doi: 10.4017/gt.2012.11.02.362.00. Year 2012. ISSSN: 1569-111X. Citescore 0.61. Gerontology Q3: 22/39.
- A proposal for a multi-drive heterogeneous modular pipe-inspection micro-robot. Brunete A. Torres J.E. Hernando M. Gambao E. Vol.5,No.2. pp 111-126 International Journal of Information Acquisition. June 2008.
Dissemination publications
- Entrevista Miguel Hernando Gutiérrez. Profesor UPM e investigador en Robótica. Tecnica Industrial. Marzo 2019. Nº 322. ISSN: 0040-1838. ISSN electrónico: 2172-6957. Dep. Legal: M. 167-1958
- ¿Inteligencia Artificial o Intuición de las Máquinas?. Hernando, M. Revista Capital. Nº203. Octubre 2017. Pp 68-69. Depósito Legal: M-23250-2012
- Cybertech. Un reto tecnológico. Barrientos, A. , Mora A., Lafoz I., Rodríguez-Losada D. y Hernando M. Industria XXI. 2002 nº2. Diciembre 2001. ETSII. UPM. Madrid.
- Cybertech. Un reto tecnológico para los estudiantes de ingeniería industrial. Mora A., Lafoz I., Rodríguez-Losada D. y Hernando M. Indumática. Nº12. Marzo 2001. ETSII.UPM.Madrid.